GM Authority

Cadillac Backs Away From ‘Hannity’ Advertising On Fox News

General Motors’ luxury division, Cadillac, has been the only brand to pull advertisements from Sean Hannity’s “Hannity” program on Fox News, according to The Detroit News.

The report states Cadillac pulled its commercials from the Fox News program after the show aired commentary “following violence at a rally held by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia.” Cadillac, in a statement, said it would not tolerate any forms of racism or discrimination.

“In the strongest possible terms, we at Cadillac condemn any form of racism or discrimination,” company spokesman Andrew Lipman said. “We have a zero tolerance policy as it pertains to any of our employees and business partners.”

Angelo Carusone, president of the watchdog media company, Media Matters for America, has led the effort to boycott advertising on “Hannity.” He says Land Rover and Mercedes-Benz have followed Cadillac, though neither company confirmed nor denied their intentions. Land Rover merely stated it’s not participating in a “boycott,” but that its advertising strategy consistently changes.

Still, Hannity’s show has hardly lost influence on Fox News. In the month of August, 2.7 million viewers tuned into the program.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. Smart move Cadillac!

    1. George Soros…Is that you ??

  2. We’ll see how smart when sales decline even more.

  3. Stupid move by Cadillac and other car makers. Why get involved in politics and lose 50% of your potential customers which ever way you go?

    I watch Hannity once in awhile but does that make me a racist? Does Cadillac pulling their ads make them “pure” and more appealing to blacks who have the money to purchase a Cadillac? Of course not. Stay away from politics and place your ads where your potential customers are likely to see the ads. Pulling ads off of a conservative TV program makes Cadillac/GM appear gutless.

    I’m thinking about purchasing a new or lightly used Cadillac CT 6. Maybe I should rethink that since I watch Hannity and listen to Rush Limbaugh.

  4. Mistake – If you do not like Hannity, our customers do.
    Again, another rule of advertising is, I do not care what you say about me, just mention my name.
    Ford learned that lesson when they tried to equate Lincoln to Mercedes, Mercedes sales went up.

  5. Diversity has two sides to every story. It is stupid for any advertiser to take a position in a conterversial issue like this. And after week nobody remembers nothing except the advertiser position which a customer may not agree with. Can’t measure what stupid moves cost because they always have an answer to cover their action.

  6. GM…have you noticed the declining attendance and ratings of the NFL? You’ve made a stupid business move to pander to Marxists. Sales will suffer.

  7. I applaud Cadillac’s stand against the racism and extreme discrimination that has been shown on Hannity’s show. I’m now more proud to be a GM car owner. Thank you Mary Barra.

    1. I listen to Hannity often, and Never have I heard any of the things you describe, There Never is any Racism, or Discrimination. You are making all that up.

    2. Please enlighten us. Show one instance of racism or any discrimination from Hannity, on any of his shows. My guess is that someone intelligent enough to make such a statement can’t even define racism.

      1. They can’t, it is just like the rest of the radicals. Make Loud unfounded statements, shout down those you disagree with.
        Politics and hurt feelings have no place in the marketplace of vehicle sales.
        If the leftists want to and scream at the wind, go off by themselves, then do it. They closed most of the Mental hospitals to save money, Then mainstreamed them into the population. Destroying this country for the sake of some supposed slight amazes me.
        Too bad GM hired so many of them.

      2. One instance was last year when Hannity offered to send President Obama on one-way trip to Kenya if Donald Trump wins. That is the epitome of racism to send a Black man back to Africa. Hannity further said that he had one stipulation that he can’t come back. That is racism at it’s worst. President Obama never lived in Kenya he only visited Kenya for the first time around 1987 to visit relatives and then in July 2015 for two days. So Hannity should never have mentioned Kenya. That statement by Hannity was racist and disgusting.

        1. How is saying he would pay for Obama to return to Kenya Racist?
          You have a problem.

        2. You’re a damn liar. The context was rumors Obama would leave the US if Trump won the election. Hannity said he would charter a plane to take Obama to (white majority) Canada, (black majority) Kenya or (Asian majority) Indonesia. That is racist only in your fetid imagination!

          1. That’s right, he mentioned Canada and Indonesia as well and all were inappropriate for different reasons. Hannity should never had replied to any rumor in such a way by making any pledge at all to send President Obama anywhere. He shouldn’t want to send President Obama out of the country at all. Obama was born in America and he deserves to live in America. Hannity has said so many negative things about President Obama that it has proven Hannity to be prejudice against him. Another example is Hannity’s demand to see President Obama’s birth certificate. Sean Hannity provided a platform for Trump’s theories In Interview. During the April 15, 2011, edition of his show, Fox host Sean Hannity aired an interview in which he provided a platform for Trump’s birther theories, including asking Trump what his investigators in Hawaii had found regarding Obama’s birth. [Fox News, Hannity, 4/15/11]. These are all examples of a stealth form of racism. And getting back to Charlottesville, Hannity’s show was a propaganda machine for defending President Trump remarks saying that there were good Nazis (good people on both sides). So, again, I applaud Cadillac’s decision to pull it’s ads from Hannity’s show.

            1. So now it’s stealth. Basically your saying you don’t know the definition of racism nor how it applies to the real world. Not one instance you have sited shows any bigotry or racism, only your ignorance. Speaking of ignorance, Trump said…”I think there is blame on both sides.”

              Would you like me to provide a proper definition and see if you can apply it to Hannity?

        3. CNN 7/26/15
          “I’m the first Kenyan-American to be president of the United States. That goes without saying,” Obama said.
          He obviously identifies Kenya (where his father lived) as his homeland. Nice try, and you have no idea what the term racism means if you think sending someone back to their self stated homeland qualifies. Not racist, not bigoted, only a logical location where he could enjoy true family time with others who hate the country. Colonialists.

        4. Facts matter not to a leftist. They interrupt their propaganda.

          Politico 10/25/16
          “I have an offer for the president. I will charter a plane for you and your family,” Hannity said on his daily radio show. “I will charter it to the country of your choice. You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta [in Indonesia], where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there.”

          Hannity added one condition: Obama “can’t come back.”

          Can you even define racism jeff30948? Oh I know…it’s racist if you say so.

    3. Um, I disagree.

      First off, as others have said, Obama lived with his relatives in Kenya for a short time after College, in addition to his father being from Kenya. Oh and what about his Kenyan half brother…. who BTW supported Trump.

      Second, 4 out of the 5 Cadillac owners I know, are strict conservatives, including my parents, And the 5th still leans more conservative than liberal. BTW it seems like Caddys, “target young buyer” strategy is really working, considering that all 5 are over 45, and only one owns a “sport” model (ATS).

      Finally, again, what racism and discrimination. just because a person “tells it like it is”, now all of the sudden they are racist. You are a classic example of an uneducated liberal, spewing lies and calling people racist for the sole reason of disagreement. YOU sir, are part of the current problem in this country.

    4. Hi, Jeff. How is your job at coming along ??

  8. CNN 7/26/15

    “I’m the first Kenyan-American to be president of the United States. That goes without saying,” Obama said.

    He obviously identifies Kenya (where his father lived) as his homeland. Nice try, and you have no idea what the term racism means if you think sending someone back to their self stated homeland qualifies. Not racist, not bigoted, only a logical location where he could enjoy true family time with others who hate the country. Colonialists.

  9. Maybe Cadillac is trying to boost sales with the pimps and drug dealers and become #1 with that demographic like it was in the 70’s.

    1. My wife asked me one time, How do you feel about selling cars to Drug Dealers?
      I said, Their money spends like any one else’s.
      I don’t judge a customer by where he gets his money.
      At least they appreciate nice cars.

    2. I’m not sure if I follow. What does pimps and drug dealers have to do with this article?

  10. Funny my father took an oath to this country and flag to protect it.

    He is buried at a National Cemetary along with thousands of others who gave of themselves. Many of them gave all.

    Yet as I look out on the many head stones I see no race just hero’s that should be respected.

    If you want to protest they had better chose a better target and better respect those who oppose their thinking but fought to give them the right to do so.

    The Lone Steeler to me is the only real roll model here.

    1. Amen!
      A simple thumbs up seems so lacking.

  11. Another tactical error by Cadillac President Johan de Nysschen as he should be aware that FOXNEWS’ Sean Hannity viewers is the demographics of most Cadillac customers as de Nysschen should ask Cadillac factory workers what is more important, being politically correct or having a job.

    Johan de Nysschen should know that tree-hugging Liberals lie as this is why Chevrolet only sold 2,107 Bolt EV while Toyota managed to sell over 37,000 of their Camry.

    1. Dear omegatalon, It’s not fair to compare August 2017 sales of the Chevy Bolt to Toyota Camry sales, because one is an all-electric car and one a gasoline car respectively. Also, the Bolt is a compact crossover whereas the Camry is a mid-size sedan. If we compare the Chevy Malibu to the Camry the numbers are much closer at 22,725 for the Malibu. If we compare the Bolt to it’s closest long range (200+ miles per charge) all-electric crossover the only choice would be the Tesla Model X crossover which sold only 1575. Also, the Bolt’s sales have increased every month since February. And finally, if we compare total sales in August 2017 for both companies, GM US sales wins with 275,552 (up 7.5% from last year) compared to Toyota’s North America sales of 227,625 (up 6.8% from last year). So GM is doing a great job. My purchase this month of a Chevy Bolt will be in next month’s Bolt sales numbers. I absolutely love my Bolt and so does my partner. We will never have to stop at a gas station again. Oh, and by-the-way, our friends, one of them worked for GM all his life until retirement, love their Cadillac XT5. We are all in the family of America and GM. Thank you GM for making products for such wide and divers groups. Go GM! And let me say once again we love our new Chevy BOLT with a “B”, it’s so quiet and smooth riding. Also, its quick and smooth acceleration is addictive and we love the one pedal driving as well as all the safety features with the Driver Confidence Package II. WOW, what a great car!
      GM Sales: “General Motors U.S. Sales Increase 7.5 Percent To 275,552 Units In August 2017” by Alex Luft — Sep 1, 2017 – GMAuthority
      Toyota Sales: “Toyota Motor North America Reports U.S. Sales for August 2017” – Toyota USA Newsroom
      Tesla Model X Sales: “August 2017 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Sales Report Card” – InsideEVs

  12. I see GM is still run by donkeys

  13. How despicable. I’ve owned 4 BMWs in a row, and was truly planning to make my next car a Cadillac. The ATS in particular is a great bargain right now if you enjoy driver’s cars. Now I’m going to seriously rethink this thanks to this SJW nonsense on the part of Cadillac.

  14. What you are witnessing is what many companies face today.

    Small groups attack with little to no facts and try to damage any company supporting someone they oppose.

    They are peop,e who can not go head to head with their opponent but they like to hold hostage companies that have a more difficult tim3 over coming these attacks and some occasionally never recover,

    It is sad but most companies like we will see with Cadillac will drop out for a short time and return quietly once the internet minority moves on to a new target.

    Before the web Jessie Jackson And Al Sharpton would go around threatening companies, people and organizations racist unless the would make a generous donation to them. Others are guilty of it too but Jessie made a good living at it.

    It is so ever difficult to fight these PC attack groups as they generally get a free pass by the media and on the web you don’t have to be accountable as the companies the attack.

    Then today we have so many people that read the web and think that if it is on the web and if there is a picture it has to be true. They never investigate and they never consider the scource

    This is a mine field for many businesses and it can do a lot of damage and so sad these groups get away with it.

  15. Dear Andrew Lipman, stay out of politics, or you will lose your most loyal customers very quickly. I will not mind that Tesla promotes a Global Warming philosophy, or that car companies advertise on networks that do not agree with my ideology. No problem at all. But if you hold fascist opinions against networks or ideas that I support, I will end my lifelong loyalty to GM and Cadillac, and I will switch to those who are tolerant to diverse ideas, even when they prefer other ideas than mine. At least they are tolerant. I love my Cadillac CTS, as much as my brother loves his 2 Escalades. But if you become fascist intolerant to diverse opinions and freedom of speech, my loyalty is with fundamental American values, not with GM.

    1. Amen !!

  16. I find this control by intimidation, and threats that the Liberals are doing very sad. I find even Sadder, how American corporations are running backwards, away from the folks who have been loyal supporters, and buyers for decades.
    I have been a GM owner for over 50 years…my cuttent GM daily driver is a 2015 Chevrolet LTZ Silverado Crew Cab, fully loaded including the 6.2 V-8. I am currently shopping for a new, or GM Certified automobile, as a Surprise for my Wife…she was annoyed enough when she read, that Ms Barra was playing politics, with her position at GM, she has a strong respect for Barra by the way, as an awesome business woman, as do I.
    We both enjoy your GM Authority site, and the Comments…We are stron conservatives, and again, loyal GM owners…In my/our opinion, this position GM is taking, Is Not Good Business, and Not Good for Business.

  17. I do hope the Board of directors wakes up while there is still a company left to save.
    The way these guys are going Cadillac will follow their other success Saturn.

  18. All in All, we need to respect Cadillac for their decision. In the End, I doubt political game, will ever alter your next vehicle purchase.

  19. I will now boycott Cadillac.

  20. Seems fairly inefficient to base your media buy on the ever-shifting tides of politics.

    If Hannity’s demographics don’t match up well with the audience Cadillac’s pursuing, Tucker Carlson skews younger.

    And they’re all on Fox – so do you blackball Fox, who carries NFL in a big way?

    Shifting your media spend based on your marketing situation is one thing.
    I just don’t see the upside in making ‘a statement’, based on the politics of the moment.

  21. Well, it hasn’t taken long for Cadillac’s headquarters move to liberal New York City to take hold of their thinking. The people they meet on a daily basis probably give them a “way to go Cadillac” and the brass feels good. Meanwhile, these same people drive foreign cars or no car at all.
    Hopefully, traditional Cadillac buyers will forget about this and sales will only decline slightly. Also hopefully Cadillac sales in China will make up the difference – now there’s a nice country that respects the rights of their citizens! Does Cadillac want to pull out of China because of the governments human right abuses?

  22. Fox and Hannity are just part of the propaganda arm of the Republican Party spilling their right wing filth every day. I figured most Cadillac buyers are right wingers–that’s Cadillac’s problem–less of them with each passing day–that’s why Republicans need the help of Kobach’s interstate crosscheck and voter suppression and the Russians to help steal elections–and Trumper still got beat by 3 million votes.

    1. So the Communist Left Wing is OK?

    2. While Sean can be a little over the top a He and Fox do not take all the talking points from the far left Democratic Party.

      The media for the most here is owned by those controlling the far left. Just look they all say nearly the same exact words on many reports on the same false news, be it MSNBC, CBS,CNN,ABC,NBC ETC.

      1. Trump says the exact thing Bill Clinton said years earlier. It was OK then but now it is awful.
        I find it pretty strange.
        The Big Advantage of the US system of government is that it was set up to employ “gridlock”
        No one side would have an advantage, and do nothing.
        However, when a National Emergency happened, they would both jump on the right side of the issue.
        It is all for entertainment purposes, to keep the public from figuring out what they are really doing.
        Fleecing us.

    3. If it weren’t for the left wing media, imbeciles such as Racer would have no talking points to spout. Although it may be correct that more of us rightward leaner’s purchase Cady’s than Marxists. We tend to be harder workers, and more successful than those living in mothers basement.

      1. You nailed that one, also they probably went through college and got a worthless degree in some field field paid for by their parents and student loans. Waiting for mom to die, so they can sell the house, and go on vacation, then live on the good graces of the Federal Government.

  23. NYC was the wrong place to locate. For the most part, the people their do not drive. How can you even listen to people that have no idea what a car outside a taxi is. NYS takes its highway money and spends it for Subways. Subway riders don’t pay any gasoline taxes, they just consume them.
    They could not have found a more Anti-Automobile city anywhere than there.
    Now it all makes sense. Hotbed of Liberal Entitlements outside of California. No wonder their thinking is so screwed up. It all makes sense. Years ago I asked one of the Cadillac designers what Cadillac he drove, he said he didn’t drive any. Now there is a recipe for disaster.
    Companies never learn, so they have to reinvent the wheel every generation or so.
    Kind of like moving Carrier AC to Alaska to avoid taxes.

    1. You fail to understand the move to NYC was to insulate Cadillac from interfearance from GM leaders who have wrought damage to nearly all of the Cadillsc turnaround plans.

      JDN stated that the move was to give the space and privacy from a GM. It was also chosen as it was in the same time zone and made commutes for the engineers easier.

      They used the Style and trends of NYC as a point to sell the move to the GM board when the truth was they wanted to just get the hell away from the boards interfearance. They have come in and forced many short cuts and damaged good plans that never got a chance to fully play out.

      Mark Ruess will remain in Detroit to block the board from getting in the way.

      Like I said we all need to look at this as the big picture with all the facts not just what we think or just some of what we have heard.

      What JDN and Mark are doing is akin to what Bunkie Knudsen and Delorean did at Pontiac in the 60’s. They have tried to strip Cadillsc control away from as much of GM as possible.

      To be honest it is a gutsy move for both as if it works they will become legends. If they fail they will kill any past reputation they held. All I can say is they must believe they can pull this off.

  24. Some of you need to really understand how many companies have large staffs and their jobs are devoted to protecting their images from web attacks be it Twitter, Forums, Yahoo, Googleor some activist web site.

    There are no laws saying you can not lie on the web and prosecution is difficult and expensive.

    Many of these web sides add enough truth to make it legit but fail to deliver all the info so the become misleading.

    Just like how many on the web said over and over how Palin claimed she could see Russia from her house. The fact was it was Tina Fey on SNL that stated that. But yet it has been touted as true. It is one of many false leads that can do much damage to many companies.

    While the web does much good it still is a mine field for the truth and integrity of person and company alike.

  25. Concept is wonderful, execution is not so good.
    You are right there was a lot of In breeding in Detroit, and moving was necessary to bring Cadillac out from under the hordes of Chevy influence. Which has been a GM problem from the beginning.
    There used to be a plan for GM, Start with a Chevy, grow to a Pontiac (whoops), then a Buick, and on to a Cadillac. The owners would look forward to their next step in the economic growth cycle.
    Somewhere management lost sight of the goal, and wanted the Chevy owners to drive Cadillac’s, and the Chevy guys wanted to keep the customers for themselves and not let them grow. Having a game plan lets everyone grow. The way it is now is chaos. (Wasn’t that the group that agent 99 was fighting in Get Smart, or am I aging myself too much?)
    Like the government, the problem is the staff that has no love for cars.
    Even Southern California would have been better. At least they love cars there, even if you can’t drive more than 25mph on the expressway.
    With the advent of Computers and the Net. it pretty much does not matter where you go I guess.
    A leader is only as good as the staff that serves him/her.

    1. CONTROL secret agent 99 was played by Barbara Feldon. Agent 86 was played by Don Adams. KAOS was led by Ziegfried, played by Bernie Kopell. Get Smart is a classic show. Still Funny.

      Holy Sh**, I feel like I’m 100 years old.

  26. Andrew Lipman
    Global Cadillac Director
    Mobile 917-691-8000
    [email protected]

    I’m just gonna leave this here.

    1. That’s kind of like writing on the men’s room wall, “For a Good Time call…”

  27. I saw the problem on the news this morning and its solution.
    According to Congress, the reason Obamacare is a failure, had nothing to do with the bill.
    The American people did not do their part and double their income every year, then that “small” increase in premiums would not be an issue.
    Darn, I have been trying to double my income every year, but it gets harder and harder, taxes then take more and more.
    Ecclesiastes 5:11 says that when goods increase, they are increased them that eat them….
    It seems that Cadillac is of the opinion that advertising is useless, as an expense, that they could better squander on themselves. Lots of former companies have made that mistake through out history.
    Advertise Everywhere, and SHOW the PRODUCT. But that has not gotten to NYC yet.


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