The Chevrolet Trailblazer SS is a bit of a cult classic these days. With a 6.0-liter LS2 V8 engine and substantial upgrades to intake, exhaust and suspension, they are special SUVs, no doubt.
Thieves know this quite well and thefts continue to be a problem in the Detroit area. Not one, not two, but five Trailblazer SS SUVs have been stolen in the past few weeks, and owners are hoping police ramp up their efforts to bust the theft ring, according to Click On Detroit.
“I went all the way to Chicago to get my second one, just to get it stolen here in Detroit,” one owner said. “I decided to go outside to check and my truck was gone. No glass, no nothing.”
“It’s pretty much my toy now, and it goes in the garage and pretty much doesn’t stay out of my sight otherwise,” another owner said. The local news affiliate is protecting the identity of the owners to ensure their SUVs remain safe.
Any tips to help identify the thieves or the cars can be reported to Michigan’s auto theft hotline: 800-242-HEAT.
F – – king Thieves.
Over the years I have lost three cars(55′ Nomad/64′ Falcon Sprint/91′-454- SS pickup ) and two car/equipment trailers to thieves.
Miscreants, cretins and other reprehensible individuals…
The world has no use for them.
Unfortunately, uneducated, uncouth bottom-dwellers are “out-breeding” the motivated working class. The next 100 years will be quite telling. We have created a monster.
Of course!! They are not stealing Traverses or Equinoxes! This is, undoubtedly, terrible, but it goes to show that this vehicle is still relevant almost ten years later. Too bad GM forgot how to produce specialty suvs like this. Thanks, Mary!!
Yes I agree John P. Too bad Chevrolet let Jeep SRT continue on its own. I own a 2008 and would love to see another bad ass TBSS come to market.