The 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV has taken more awards in the past six months than we can even begin to count. The accolades certainly have to be overflowing on the award shelf at the General Motors Renaissance Center.
However, what about living daily for the 2017 Bolt EV? Is it just as great? Kelley Blue Book hopes to answer a few of those questions in its road test and review of the affordable electric vehicle.
The 238-mile range is the star of the show, which makes the Bolt EV the most affordable EV with such an extended range. The only other way to unlock such range potential is by purchasing a Tesla. KBB lauded the engineering and technology that makes the Bolt EV possible.
However, when looking at it as a “car,” its faults are present. Though, we’d say they’re par for the course with EVs. The interior is pretty cheap with plenty of hard plastic and the seats lack lumbar support, per our reviewer. In a bit of a harsh manner, the Bolt EV is described as an OK hatchback when subtracting the Bolt EV’s propulsion achievements.
Again, it boils down to what the Chevrolet Bolt EV is capable of. It’s a fine commuter car, in the eyes of KBB, but the kicker is certainly its efficiency.
The 2017 Chevy Bolt EV has won so many awards and acclaims that whatever complaints done by other reviewers is moot, since they are comparing a dirty gas engine car with it. Cmpare the Bolt Ev with other EVs and it will shine. In all of modern automobile history, only the 2011 Chevy Volt has won more awards in its first year.
99% agree, aside from the driver’s seat. Too narrow, uncomfortable, not enough padding. Many complaints about this. Many people say it’s fine for them and it depends on your body type, but the measurements don’t lie – the front seats are a couple inches narrower than any other similar car, narrower than the Volt. I feel like my Volt’s seats are already about as narrow as I’d want and I’m not huge at 6’1″ 190 lbs.
I think this video review on CNET/Roadshow is much better than this smarmy, snarky KBB review. The reviewer seems like he’d rather make yuk yuk jokes about “That’s L Mode, not ELMO!” for laughs more than review the car for it’s achievements like 238 miles range against 100 miles from cars that cost more – Yes, YOU – BMW i3 and i3 REX.
This guy doesn’t accurately convey that the Bolt EV is honestly fun to drive. Nearly all reviewers say this – and I concur.
He also doesn’t share that possibly the biggest limitation of the Bolt EV is the whacked-out world of public charging in this pre-EV era we live in. Fighting over available public chargers is not fun as also the 5 mile trip out of your way for a CCS fast charger that is down for maintenance or ICE’d ( parking space taken by an inconsiderate, knuckle-dragging gas burner ). Most level 2, 240V public chargers in my city are CHAdeMO and some are dual chargers, posessing CHAdeMO and CCS ( Bolt EV ) but generally, there’s a LEAF using it and only one can be used at a time. Seriously, we’re in the primitive early days of a reliable, usable public charging era.
Tesla has the advantage in the Model 3 for not too much more coin. A rear-drive, sporty luxury brand also MADE IN USA and quicker, faster with possibly more comfortable seating room for 5 than Bolt EV. Plus, Tesla didn’t name it a confusing name that sounds exactly like your PHEV icon.
All said – the Bolt EV is a killer lease deal to tide you over while Tesla works out the kinks in Model 3 and continues expanding it’s already handy Supercharger fast charge network and service centers. Hand raisers that put $1000 down over a year in advance will get first dibs – and that’s good. While you lease your Bolt and enjoy tons of fun all electric.
After the tax refund fades to black at 200,000 electrified cars sold ( GM is getting there fast! ), Bolt EV may get a lower range, cheaper Bolt Lite. That car may be a great commuter – but at $44,000 WITHOUT a tax break – Bolt EV may die on the vine.
We’ll have to see what happens, and if rumors of Volt being discontinued actually come true. At any rate – all this is years ahead and why not live for today? Nothing matches the Bolt EV now for a 200+ mile EV….Just give it ACC and I could live with some hard plastic knowing the good parts ( engineering, battery pack and power electronics ) are there.