GM Authority

Atlanta-Based Chevrolet Dealer Drives To California And Back To Bring Home A 2017 Bolt EV

Jim Ellis Chevrolet of Atlanta, Georgia, has skipped General Motors’ state-by-state introduction plan by quite a bit and taken matters into its own hands. The dealership has undertaken a bit of a publicity stunt and brought home a 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV all the way from California.

The Bolt EV is not slated for introduction until September for the state of Georgia, but the dealership thinks everyone should be able to experience the Bolt EV today.

“The Bolt is not available in Georgia so we went to California and bought one,” said Mark Frost, VP of Operations for Jim Ellis. “We wanted our customers to be able to test-drive the vehicle in advance of them being available for purchase.”

It’s pretty good timing, too, with the dealer distributing the information ahead of the Atlanta Auto Show. “Anyone in the area that wants to test-drive this ‘North American Car of the Year‘ will need to come to Jim Ellis Chevrolet for that experience,” the release reads. That’s some crafty and creative marketing.

The dealer is booking test drives for the 2017 Bolt EV as you read this, which you can do in person, or online.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. that was a good plan. that will pay off for them. then they can just sell that one too once the Bolts start rolling in in September

  2. Emich Chevrolet in Lakewood, Colorado also has a Bolt EV in stock and ready for test drives. Anyone in the are who is interested in seeing one dont hesitate to come in or give us a call at 303-986-2233. Ask for Tom!

  3. Why not have the car transported?

    I bought a car in Las Vegas a few years ago. I contacted an auto transport trucking company in Youngstown, Ohio that delivered the car to me for hundreds of Dollars less than it would have cost me to fly to Las Vegas, buy gasoline and pay motel bills to drive the car to Ohio myself. Best of all, I didn’t have to spend any time.

    With the confiscatorial fees DC fast chargers assess, the cost per mile of driving an EV cross country is as expensive as buying gasoline. Never mind, the driver will have plot a route where chargers may be found every 175 miles or so. Good luck doing that in New Mexico, Arizona, etc.

    If anything, a trip driving a Bolt from California to Georgia is more likely going to be a publicity stunt agsinst EVs, rather than for EVs. And yes, I am an EV proponent – currently drive a 2011 LEAF as my around-town car.

    1. You drive a foreign DATSUN, eh-!!!! lol. lol. lol. Just having a little fun, don’t get excited. THANKS, e.e.

  4. Give JIM ELLIS COMPLIMENTS, for being aggressive, gutsy, and spending HIS money, betting on making more money. CAPITALISM. IT BUILT AMERICA. Just saying, THANKS, e.e.

  5. Is this stagged roll out across the country a planned event or does this happen for a reason?

  6. They did not transport this and they only did this for media coverage.

    Being first and driving cross country got them much ore media than having it trucked.

    Let’s think here would we be reading this if it had not worked?

    I am sure Chevy also helped here,

    Now they can show it and take future orders.

    1. I hope they made the most of the media oppt’y … I haven’t checked.

      But I hope they video’d the journey, posted the voyage on YouTube and sent to their email/Twitter/ etc contact list.

      Good (cheap) way to dial-up multi-media coverage.


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