If you were hoping to catch a glimpse of the all-new “Beast”, the nickname for the United States President’s limousine, it’s reportedly not happening during Inauguration Day.
Jalopnik reports President-elect Trump will not be riding back in a new Cadillac presidential limo after sources confirmed the debut would come “later this year” instead. It was first reported the latest limousine would debut today, January 20, 2017. The source also made it clear the Cadillac limousine is on schedule and has not been delayed, but was brief due to national security details.
The newest Beast is expected to adopt the latest Cadillac design cues, akin to the 2017 Cadillac CT6 and Cadillac Escalade. But, for now, Trump will have to make do with the same limousine used since 2009 until the new “Cadillac One” is ready for takeoff.
Trump doesn’t need a Caddy because he has free use of a ZiL (Zavod imani Likhachova). Besides, it’s too hard for him to distinguish between his caddy and his Caddy, you know one is to hold his driver while he grabs the putter and the other is to hold his driver while he grabs the kitty. Also, a Caddy is too conspicuous in Moscow, Palin might see him from her house. Instead, Trump has given Cadillac’s whole brand to Ivanka, it was actually her idea to set up the “Cadillac House” in Soho, just a few minutes away from Trump Tower, so that heads of state could buy their gifts for her as tickets to see the Orangutan in the TTower
Are you a real asshole or just pretending to be one?! This is a blog for automobile enthusiasts, not anti-Trump idiots.
I didn’t make up this material. He gave it to me and he gave it to America. He’s going to make America grate again, by grabbing its kitty.
So the answer to your question is this: if this material isn’t mine and it came straight out of the Republican Party and Trump’s mouth … is HE an asshole or just pretending?
Here’s the classic quote for you JID – Alec Baldwin as Trump: “Journalists are biased against me because they take everything I say and everything I do and put it on tv”
“This is a blog for automobile enthusiasts, not anti-Trump idiots.” So you just went PC! You specifically told me what I can and can’t say, and where I can’t say it. THAT IS PC! As the Trump T-shirt says: “If you’re afraid to speak your mind, you’re not being honest”
JID is PC, JID is PC!!!!!
Trump promises to give power back to people; proceeds to $1,000,000 a plate meet-and-greets with “the people.” Selling access to cabinet appointees as well. Sad.
The next day he send a tweet insulting the millions that held the protest marches across the world. Seems he is only the President of the “people” who foolishly follow him, not his opposers. And that makes him a “Minority”.
let the insanity begin!!!
the goldman-sachs con has already been executed to perfection.
i’m guessing next up will be the health insurance con.
i suggest everyone create a spreadsheet to keep track.
Ha, the insanity began right out of the gates. Trump’s Make America Great hats are made in Vietnam.
Nope; you are incorrect.
Everything sold on his website is made in USA.
I mispoke;. Vendors selling his hats not made in USA. Hats on has website use stiffeners and materials made in other countries. There have been many storys on this.
Vendors can buy knock-offs made wherever, so your comment was both pointless and baseless.
The items sold on his site are made here; maybe not with 100% American parts, but that’s not his fault. I’d bet nothing the opposition sold was made here.
His “trump” clothes are made in Mexico.
That’s a break from the past where virtually everything Trump, including his ties were made in China. Everything Ivanka sells currently is made in China.
I believe the limo had to be retrofitted with the gold package, huge eagle hood ornament and fake convertible top.
It will need several more layers of armament when the masses realize they’ve been scammed by the last US President.
It’s sad how mankind still believes in false prophets and fairy tales…
So what happens to Obama’s ‘Beast’, and it’s body double (for diversionary purposes)?
Armor-plated, run-flat tires, some James Bond stuff, 3 pints of his blood…
Wonder where those go? Or do they destroy ’em so they can’t be disassembled and the bad guys learn the defense mechanisms?
I’m willing to bet that they will be kept as back-ups for a while and used for other high government officials and then destroyed.
Most of the previous ones, prior to secret plating…, are exhibited at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn.
Ya, that’s my understanding – they don’t want the prez limo falling into the wrong hands any more than the chopper that was left behind when Bin Laden was taken down.
I wonder if Trump does consumes Obama’s blood so he can be a “black blood brother”.
That just crazy. I believe that whoever becomes Unites States President at the very least deserves our respect whether we agree or disagree with him/her all the time. It used to be that people didn’t make pot shots and wild accusations about our President. Nowadays it’s a free for all.
Presidential limos are destroyed by secret service do that they never fall into the hands of our enemies. The only limo on display which is at th Clinton Presidential Library and can only be unlocked by secret service personal.
Ya, this one had all the Bond/Batman stuff, so if it goes on display, I’d guess they’ll gut the super secret stuff.
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