This Chevrolet C6 Corvette has 850 wheel-horsepower and is fitted with a full Kooks exhaust system, from the headers back. We’ve seen other videos showing off the gnarly sounds of a Kooks exhaust, and each time we’re taken aback by how pure and intense they sound – and this is just from watching videos.
This fire-spitting C6 Corvette is no exception, and our only complaint is that there isn’t more of this video to watch. Yes, it’s quite difficult to make a GM V8 sound bad, as we’ve said before, but the exhaust on display here is tenacious. Hearing such a sound in person is not something you can look away from, it keeps you entranced, almost out of fear, but mostly through seduction.
It’s an odd sensation to describe. So we’ll keep it short, and let you decipher the sweet symphony of this Corvette for yourself – go ahead and click play. *flashes eyelashes promiscuously*
SO GM AUTHORITY — your comment field has ‘Notify me of followup comments via e-mail’ checked by default. Sorry but me no likey email inbox buried in followups.
How do we change that default to ‘unchecked’?
Maybe it’s because everything sounds terrible through a medium such as the internet, but this sounds like someone violently moving a zipper.