This is one of the times where either the events that unfolded were a bad string of luck, or the driver seriously had to have been trying to accomplish this.
The driver of this C6 Corvette proceeds to delicately take off, but it isn’t long before he cracks the corner of a curb, stripping the Corvette of its front bumper. The Corvette proceeds to roll straight into a canal somewhere in Mexico. We see no attempt to hit the brakes either, which leads us to believe this may be intentional.
The driver seems to exit the Corvette unharmed after the drop, and the cameraman gets a good laugh out of it. We’re not sure what’s funny about trashing a Corvette like this, but everyone gets their kicks somehow.
Odds are it was stolen.
It is always funny when it is not your own car.
Not sure I would want to be in the river as they dump human waste in these.
Pendejo! LOL
This is reason number 87 why we want them out of this country. Only simpleton mexicans would get a kick out of this because they are jealous. I’ll guarantee you they stole it out of the US.
Jay, your ignorance is astonishing. Do you actually believe that a country who has 300 million people does not have one person who can afford a cheap sports car?
Please get your head out of your @$$ so you can stop embarrassing yourself
Jay you do realize that Mexicans buy Corvettes too. They steal them from each other just like Americans do too.
Try hard as I can, I dont follow on any of this! It looks completely intentional from beginning to end…oh well, one less Vette in Mexico.
Now that shows instant depreciation on a vehicle right in the video! The driver is not going like his insurance rates for his next car!