Let’s be clear first, we’re an independent publication, with unbiased political ties towards a particular situation. Today’s news, however, sees the Confederate flag, Chevrolet and Kid Rock thrown into the mix.
The Oakland Press has recently called out Kid Rock for his use of the Stars and Bars at nearly all of his shows, and calls for a change in his behaviors regarding the flag. How does Chevrolet fit into this? Well, Chevrolet is currently sponsoring Kid Rock’s upcoming summer “Cheap Date” tour.
Kid Rock also roped Chevrolet in with a controversial photo including a Confederate flag flask, mentioning the bowtie brand exclusively saying, “We should all tip our hats to Chevrolet for sponsoring this summers run and helping me to keep the $20 ticket alive for y’all!! Baseball, Apple Pie and Chevrolet!! God Bless America!”
Now, skeptics are shaming Kid Rock for associating Chevrolet with the flag, as writer of the column calls for General Motors to “step in, take immediate action, and demand Kid Rock not ever associate the Confederate flag with the Chevrolet logo, lest he loses financial sponsorship of his current Cheap Date concert tour.”
Ultimately, that’s for no one to decide except GM itself, but these are choppy times indeed.
Frankly, I’m getting tired of this political correctness nonsense. It’s making our country the laughing stock of the world, and it’s repulsive. People are getting their feelings hurt and instead of doing something productive with their lives, they cry like little babies until those who aren’t so PC cave to their demands.
Lemme guess – you’re a big Ted Nugent fan, too? And a closeted Lindsey Graham supporter.
Go for it, broseph!
“And a closeted Lindsey Graham supporter.”
Wait. Do you mean Ohno is a closeted support of Graham? Or an out supporter of closeted Graham?
this is what happens when the people put a liberal minority in the highest office in the USA. everything they hate is now fair game because the have to power of the office behind them and no one will fight back because they will be called racist.
It’s time to play DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF speaking? Batter up!
“this is what happens when the people put a liberal minority in the highest office”
Elections. Are a vote of THE PEOPLE. That is a majority of voters put Democrats in the highest office. A minority of voters didn’t put Obama into office twice. It wasn’t a fluke.
STRIKE ONE. Batter up!
“everything they hate is now fair game because the have to power of the office behind them”
Right. That’s the POINT of an election. If you win it, you get to try to do what you like against those you ‘hate’. When W became President, he and Cheney staged a completely fake war. Killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11. Why? To bomb the crap out of people they hated from W’s Dads days. President Cheney revenge.
STRIKE TWO. Batter up!
“and no one will fight back because they will be called racist”
What a cowardly apologist position this is. If you believe the Confederate Flag doesn’t offend black Americans, state your case. But understand if you say “there’s nothing wrong with that flag” you’ll likely be labeled as racially insensitive.
The Civil War was to keep blacks as slaves in the South. There’s no way around that. And so excusing yourself from having a racist position (or positions) because your party lost the White House the last two times to a Democrat is seriously sad whiney Gerber baby reasoning.
And you are out of the game for hitting the batter.
Batter take your base.
God do you ever read your own drivel?
It’s good to know you’re a complete ignoramus. Now I don’t have to hold out any hope for you.
I agree with a portion of your comments…but either you misstated or you don’t know your “War Between the States” history to the full extent as to “WHY” the North and the South went to war.
It is true there was an issue with “SLAVERY” and those that know their history will surely admit it…but to say THAT is the reason without supplying the other 90% of WHY they went to war is soooo wrong.
That would be like saying Kid Rock uses the Stars and Bars because he supports slavery. Lets get real here..from what I see exhibited on the news lately is “hate” on both sides of the fence and it’s all due to a lack of education on history…or hate bred into people as a child. None of us that came into this world had any say in what the color of our skin was to be…but we all have a say as to how we look at others as we mature…no matter how our parents may have perceived it. Read the bible and you will find that whites were slaves as well…and years before our skin color and language were changed when the tower of Babel was under construction. God changed our language and our skin color to hinder us from uniting as one nation for the purpose of pursuing evil. Hate is EVIL that some are pursuing today. The flag is a piece of colored cloth…it can’t hate…it can’t spread dissension among people. It’s primary reason for existing was to mark the position of the regiment on the battlefield. Hatred of anything or anyone is mental and no one can change that hatred but the person hating. My writing this comment will not change anyone’s mind, nor will anyone else’s comment…but we say what we feel hoping it will instill a bit of piece and understanding. Maybe it will cause someone to seek education on this subject of hate…be it hate of a flag…of a skin color or event. This sick individual was seen with a Confederate battle flag so now we want to remove it from history to make some feel better…what would we do had he been seen with the American flag? Should we remove it to make some feel better? Again…what did this flag do?
Should we “HATE” the gun or guns he used? What did the guns do? Just what is the answer? When you have a water leak you go to the source of the leak and repair it…you don’t get rid of the water. The sick individual is the problem so get rid of him…be it death or incarceration for he is a menace to society…a liability…not an asset. Nuff said…maybe too much.
“It is true there was an issue with “SLAVERY” and those that know their history will surely admit it…but to say THAT is the reason without supplying the other 90% of WHY they went to war is soooo wrong.”
If you read that Bible closely it says things about not bearing false witness.
That’s it? Thought you would have more to say than just cop out..;o(
GrandAm below puts it best.
What was the remaining 90% reason the confederate states seceded? Odd you make that claim but don’t support it with any argument.
Umm.. state’s rights to have slavery. And… umm… ahh… taxation issues related to slavery owning. And… umm…. no, don’t tell me…
LOL…didn’t think you had a clue…No…I knew you had no idea…shouldn’t have given you that much credit. A pair of lips will say anything.
Odd that you are not interested in researching the information but wish to speak on what you don’t know.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Thanks to our indifference to the climate calamity we created via commerce and over-population, humanity will be getting your wish way sooner than expected.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin if I were to reply to the comments I’ve read here. I’m sure it would be a complete waste of time if I tried though.
GM should have an American flag policy. If you want a fly a thousand of them with GM logos nearby, go for it. If you want to fly any other flags nearby, we’ll have to talk.
LOL…GM can’t have any say on what flag I choose to fly around, near or on my Chevy since I am the one paying for the GM product and the flag of choice…Thank you…;o)
Randy. I was talking about in relation to someone like Kid Rock being endorsed by Chevy. Not flags and GMs in general.
The stupidity that some have the courage to write is beyond me. How can something so insensitive and stupid be accepted in this time. Yeah in every pocket of society there are thorns that give the rest a bad rap but to use the logic that it was “once accepted” is dumb. Slaves were “once” accepted so by that theory let them have them again. Sometimes society can be so good and sometimes it can just be plain awful
Interesting how the Nazi flag disappeared.
The Confederate flag – some say it’s an homage to the poor guys who got mowed down in defense of the states that seceded:
though you could make a case for them having to fight on behalf of the rich landowners and slave owners. Kid Rock is from Michigan and is the son of Bill Ritchie (Bill Ritchie, Kid Rock’s father, operated a Lincoln-Mercury car dealership up until he sold it in 1999. They lived in Romeo, MI). Some say it’s a symbol of racism best forgotten.
Interesting, too, that while the Nazis reverted back to their original flag, Japan still flies the rising sun.
I’ll let you guys fight it out on this one.
Here is Sean again with his politically loaded articles…
Sean, this is a car site… if we wanted to politics we would go to a political site.
Or maybe just a sad way to generate discussion on here… guess your articles aren’t interesting enough…
So if one watch the Dukes of Hazzard does that make them a racist?
Time for the race pimps to take a step back before they start doing more damage to the good work others have already accomplished.
Time for the Al Sharptons to go home and stop trying to make a dime off of this.
Speaking of not knowing your history. It is a Myth that the South Seceded Over Staes Rights. In fact, they opposed other states rights to oppose slavery. They were very clear that this was about keeping slaves.
On Dec. 24, 1860, delegates at South Carolina’s secession convention adopted a “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union.” It noted “an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” and protested that Northern states had failed to “fulfill their constitutional obligations” by interfering with the return of fugitive slaves to bondage. Slavery, not states’ rights, birthed the Civil War.
South Carolina was further upset that New York no longer allowed “slavery transit.” In the past, if Charleston gentry wanted to spend August in the Hamptons, they could bring their cook along. No longer — and South Carolina’s delegates were outraged. In addition, they objected that New England states let black men vote and tolerated abolitionist societies.
Other seceding states echoed South Carolina. “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world,” proclaimed Mississippi in its own secession declaration, passed Jan. 9, 1861. “Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of the commerce of the earth. . . . A blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.”
Other stories denying that the South seceded mainly because of slavery are just that. Stories. Stories created to avoid facing the truth about the main Southern economic interests that were threatened in 1860 and to create a falsely romanticized view of the “Old South”. These were successful efforts to distort history to create a fantasy that somehow the confederacy was noble and good, which clearly it was not. Of course, someone would only know this only if they actually research history., instead of relying on propaganda heavily supported by The Daughters of the Confederacy in the early 1900’s.
They say war history is written by the winners of the war. If the South had won I really believe history would record a totally different side of it. One theory I heard stated that the south wanted to start selling more of it’s cotton to Europe, which would have driven up the prices that he north was paying. So the rich mill owners in the North started telling everyone that we should go to war over slavery when the real reason was that they wanted to garintee that their cotton kept coming at a cheap price. So the rich plantation owners wanted to sell their cotton wherever they wanted so they told everyone that the north wants to take away your right o have a dark-colored cook. Take it or leave it. It’s in the past and i’m glad the slaves are free. The issue now is that a bunch of crybabies got offended and are trying to push their agenda on the rest of us in the name of civil rights. i have a civil right to fly any flag i feel like and they may as well get used to it. and by the way i am from the North and have lived here all of my 21 years.
Does anyone here realize Kid Rock is the father – a single father – of a bi-racial child? The word racism should not be used in the same sentence with Kid Rock.
Only one problem: African Americans, and others, have been calling for the removal of this flag from public buildings for years. In many folks eyes, this incident has only served to intensify the need for its removal. It’s not been deemed the initiator of the movement.
The Blacks want Kid to denounce that flag? On one condition : Black racists MUST denounce THEIR black, green and red flag!!!!
Otherwise, shove it up your prissy racist Black asses!!!!