The origins of National Doughnut Day reach way back to the early 1900s. It started during World War War I, when the Salvation Army began making doughnuts for soldiers serving overseas, but the true beginnings of the national food holiday were in 1938 when the Chicago branch of the Salvation Army officially kicked off National Doughnut Day.
Today National Doughnut Day is celebrated in numerous different ways all over America, but to be honest, we think Chevrolet’s way of marking the holiday is the best. Rather than making or eating doughnuts, Chevy compiled a quick compilation of their various NASCAR winners doing celebratory donuts.
Eating doughnuts is an All-American custom, just like NASCAR, so we feel combining the two for National Doughnut Day is fairly appropriate. Check out the video below, and remember, you have an excuse to cheat your diet and eat a doughnut today.
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