GM Authority

Bowling Green Hears Right-To-Work Discussions At National Corvette Museum

The National Corvette Museum hosted a small, but spirited, discussion on the idea of right-to-work in Warren county. Warren encompasses the city of Bowling Green, Kentucky, which is home to 2016 C7 Corvette production.

Supporters and opponents made their arguments surrounding right-to-work, according to WBKO. Warren county became the first county in the nation to go completely right-to-work. Though, it hasn’t been supported by everybody.

“You’re trying to corrode the base of the unions by saying if you don’t have money to operate, maybe you’ll get out of town. When we get out of town, do you think that corvette plant is still going to be running corvettes out that door?” said Eldon Renaud, United Auto Workers.

Supporters were quick to refute the idea with Matt Patterson of the Center for Worker Freedom saying, “Right-to-work is right to choose. It’s the right to choose how you spend your money, to choose which candidates you support with that money and to choose with whom and how you associate.”

The Chamber of Commerce stands behind right-to-work, as it sees the initiative as a positive economic reinforcement to draw new jobs into the region, many like 2016 C7 Corvette production.

Arguments for a complete right-to-work county will be held in federal court in Louisville on August 4th, where a definitive answer will be given as to if Warren county can enact such a law.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. People have the right to work and not be controlled and manipulated by corrupt unions who use their hard-earned money for political purposes they don’t support (and not workers’ benefits!)

    Like Warren County where the majority spoke and voted in Right-to-Work legislation, you will see many places go this way in the next while. Shows where people rally stand.

    1. People also have the right to not work in a Union shop! Why do people want jobs in a union shop? Higher wages, better benefits, proper representation, and a safer work environment! If you don’t want to be in a union don’t work at a union represented work place, it really is simple; there are plenty of non-union work places out there.

      Unions are not allowed to contribute member dues to political campaigns under federal law, any contributions come from voluntary donations from members.

  2. Quality control is what is important. As some 15’s rolled off there was a loose nut that was caught after production. I know I am a loose nut for Corvette and will not tell what really happened. We need extreme quality control. There will be people that might not know of the concentration and dedication to quality the current employees use in production. I notice a lot and some employees in Bowling Green belong to a all voluntary group that has brought many positive things to the USA. I am sure they will keep the oversight and keep Corvette the finest sports cars anyone can buy no matter what.

  3. People should be able to chose if the need or want a union but they should never be forced into one.

    If there is a need the union can fill the need but if they are not wanted or needed no one should be forced into one.

    The only way many unions can survive is forced membership. That is no way to run a union.


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