Ford has been touting their 2015 F-150 as the most technologically advanced and innovative pickup on the market, but you’d never get Chevrolet to agree with them. The automaker still isn’t confident in Ford’s extensive use of aluminum in the truck, a sentiment they openly shared with USA Today when asked about a recent Car and Driver article.
The article, which saw C&D stack the 2015 F-150, Chevrolet Silverado, Dodge Ram and Toyota Tundra against each other in a comparison test, resulted in the Silverado placing second to the F-150 by just 3 points. When asked about the test, Chevrolet truck spokesman Tom Wilkinson said the close result was “essentially a draw.”
“So, did Ford’s massive investment in aluminum ‘set a new standard for the future of trucks,’ as Ford promised a year ago in Detroit? For customers, the answer that is emerging is ‘No.’ For the most part, Ford just pulled back into the lead pack,” Wilkinson said in an emailed statement to USA Today.
The F-150 is a nice update of the old truck, with modestly higher payload and trailer ratings offset by still-unanswered questions about insurance costs and access to body repairs outside of major cities,” he added.
Ford truck communications manager Mike Levine said “we are proud to be America’s truck leader. Ford F-series, including the all-new F-150, remains America’s best-selling truck for 38 straight years and America’s best-selling vehicle for 32 straight years,” in response to Wilkinson’s remarks, refusing to add any further comment.
The entire C&D truck test can be read here.
I tend to agree with GM on this one. It’s like the Mustang vs. Camaro thing. It looks like the Mustang has some PR that has pulled it ahead of the Camaro, if ever so slightly, with the Alpha Camaro just around the corner which should put the Mustang behind again. Ford has bet the farm on the ecoboost engines and extensive use of aluminum. We’ll see what GM has to counter in the coming years.
Now, having said that, don’t think for a second GM wouldn’t capitalize in the same way if the shoe were on the other foot.
GM obviously doesn’t want to look down on progress. I mean they themselves are progressing towards Aluminium in trucks…
It is likely that all trucks will move to aluminum in the future; forced to do so by the government regulations. But there are plenty of 2015 owners on the F150 forum commenting on the large gaps between body panels, mis-aligned doors (some are trying to fix by adjusting hinges/latches), and a couple already have dings from light bumps into the body panels. Plus plastic trim pieces are “popping’ lose (front bumper plastic between bumper and fender) that some are assuming it is due to aluminum flexing during rail shipping (may be a little far fetched on that one though).
Credit Ford for being the first to try an aluminum body, but credit GM being able to stay right along Ford on mileage, pollutions, etc while doing it with V8 engines and slightly heavier trucks (not going to aluminum until they have no other choice).
I agree with GM’s view. For me, this truck is a huge disappointment. All the noise for nothing. We should remember Ford is not the First in the auto industry to use aluminum. Land Rover has been using aluminum in its car since the early 50s.What Ford won’t tell you is the cost for insurance and for repair.
Are you serious? Been driving F150’s since 2003 and now have a 2015. It far from disappoints. Though you are entitled to your opinion, you seem to be VERY MUCH in the dark on this.
Can you send me a link to these complaints? I cain’t seem to find anything when I google it. My uncle just ordered one.
This deal was not really as much an advancement in technology as it was a risk of scaring off buyers with the following.
The lack of qualified shops for repair outside large metro areas
The possible higher insurance rates that can come with more expensive repairs.
The added cost of materials and possible lower profits if they decide to eat the additional cost initially.
Like stated this is not the first time Aluminum has been used in a production vehicles. Also many Semi trucks use aluminum trailers and dump beds with no issue of durability.
What we have here is another masterpiece of marketing by Fords marketing department.
Lets face it they kept saying the truck was 700 pounds lighter than their last model but what they failed to say is their last truck was 629 pounds heavier than the Chevy. Yes Ford truck is only 71 pounds lighter than the High Country model in the same cab and bed. Also the GM truck has the 6.2 V8. This is why they get about the same MPG.
As one magazine clearly stated Ford was not so much advanced as they really were just catching up. In time the oversell on this may come back to hurt them some.
Where I see Ford at risk is that I expect because of the materials and the low price they may have a lower profit per truck. Time will tell.
Yes all the other trucks will go here and being second may not be all that bad as the market will have time to adjust to the Ford Aluminum and it will make things smoother for the second one to the party. By then GM may be back to a 500-600 pound advantage.
Now if GM could only market better like Ford as that is Fords real advantage.
Ha-good marketing? How about good trucks. Let’s see-Ford has the best mpg for gas half ton (up to 26 mpg freeway 2.7L Ecoboost) and it tow’s the most (up to12,200 lbs). What else do you want in a truck? How stupid is that Chevrolet spokesman talking negative about aluminum when they will be going the same way in the future?
Being second when it comes to aluminum may not be all that bad? That sounds like something somebody from a company that doesn’t sell as many trucks as Ford would say. The butthurt is strong on the Chevy side!!!!
Never said It was a bad truck. It is just not going to cure cancer as they have some people convinced. Ford has been doing a hell of a job marketing for a while now.
The Ecoboost is not anything new and GM even has had a better DI Turbo before Ford had one as did VW and a few others. But Ford has many convinced with out the claim like they invented it. Same on the weight they have people convinced it is 700 pound to the good over everyone but in reality it is about one 7 year old kid to the better. You hear they have the best MPG rating but it is only 1 better than a GM V8.
GM dropped the ball on marketing during the bail out and never had gotten things right since.
GM and Ford both have a very good truck but Ford Marketing is better.
You can troll this all you like but you can not distort the truth. Ford is having to invest in body shops and do the extra work to deal with the aluminum panels now and that is something GM and the others will not have to deal with. They are also letting the insurance companies deal with this and by the time they have theirs out they will have little issue with it since it will be sorted out.
Chevy has an advantage of the small truck but Ford can have the advantage to see how GM does in the market. If needed they can bring a Second Gen Ranger here which I expect they will at some point in a few years.
Stop being a blind fan boy to see what is coming around. I do not see the numbers changing much over all in the end. Ram is picking up some sales because of the deep discounts but that will be short term.
The only real questions for Ford will be the profit per truck as they are holding the line on pricing buy only adding to the price of some options for now. This will cost them in per truck profit. They will still make money but just not as much as they have been.
The other question is fleet sales. Ford has made big numbers mostly based on fleet sales. They have traditionally had cheap prices for fleets and this has translated into large numbers of sales. Will they continue to do this and can they do it with the new panels as easily?
Also the repair issues will be a problem for some. You can not just go to the paint less dent repair to fix this stuff. A bed panel gets dented it has to be replaced as Aluminum has no memory and in nearly impossible to straiten at this gauge. It would take a really good metal man to fix this and a lot of hours. The bolt on parts like fenders and doors are easy but the other parts will be a problem.
Bend the wrong part too and you may have trouble not totaling it too.
Time will tell as we just do not have these answers yet. The labor rate is nearly double we do know that as one of the magazines just found out. The shop took mercy on them and gave them a discount since it was their first Ford truck.
I have said the market will change in radical ways. I see the Aluminum being more important to the 3/4 ton trucks as we will see more mid size trucks and an effort to cut down the 1/2 ton sales by 2025. 54 MPG is going to hurt the 1/2 ton but not so much the 3/4 ton. This is why I see a Ranger of some type here in the future.
As for this story here this is just the PR chess match as it has gone on for years and will continue into the future. There are so many fan boys like yourself that they can fool on both sides. You all might take a step back and just look at the big picture and you would be better informed by doing so.
Excellent reply Scott! Let’s also not forget that Ford milks the PR from the F series being the best selling truck for 38 years now. I find this short article an interesting read:
Yes, the Big 3 all do it, but maybe because the one with the F started it?
Didn’t read past your first few paragraphs. It doesn’t make you sound any smarter because you write 10 paragraphs everytime. You mention a 7 year old kid–you sound like a 7 year old kid when you knit pick tiny stuff on the F150 because that’s all you can come up with. Your still going with good marketing by Ford huh? I guess they’ve had good marketing for 50 yrs then.
GM had a turbo before Ford? Oh that must’ve been real good since they quit making them/selling them and let Ford come out with the Ecoboost and simply destroy GM/Chevy in sales. Funny no one mentions GM so called turbo. Everybody knows the Ecoboost. Thanks GM for giving all the sales to the Ford Ecoboost.
You also mention body shop repair being more expensive. Who cares?? I’ve been driving for over 20 years and have been to a body shop once in my life because a lady backed into me in a parking lot. That’s why Ford will stay number 1 and will probably always be number 1 in truck sales because they take chances like with the Ecoboost, The Raptor, all aluminum body, etc.. while GM sits in the background and waits. GM finally came out with a new engine after so many years of staying with an outdated engine and what do they call it? Something like eco tec.. I wonder how they came up with that? Always in second place. You’re welcome.
Sure the ecoboost gets good mileage- as long as you don’t tow anything. If you dare to tow anything with an ecoboost your mileage will be way lower than with a V8. Also turbocharged engines are much more prone to having trouble when worked hard for long periods of time.
Diesels are turbo.
Could not have said it better.
Just try to tell it as it is. Some people have issues with that.
GM has said they are going to start using Al in cars and SUVs. They also said there were no plans to use it in their trucks. Any contracts with Al suppliers ( is for this reason.
The latest C/D story has a lot of questions within it. Why test the 3:23 geared High Country when the 3:43 is available. Slightly better fuel mileage but the 3:43 would have had better acceleration, 1/4 miles times and towing capability. It already beats the Ford in the most import acceleration areas of 30-50 and 50-70. Those are your passing speeds.
Their “Final Results” section is a joke. Using the 3:43 geared High Country the 3 point advantage the F150 had would be completely eliminated. How is towing capacity an “objective score”? It’s a hard number provided by the mfg. and the 3:43 geared High Country can out tow the F150 as shown in the specs published by C/D. Not sure how the Chevy lost in that category. The same is true of the 1/4 mile time. It would no longer be a tie (even though the Chevy was actually faster).
Then there is the $5,000 price difference! Gotta pay for that Al somewhere I guess.
Gm is using aluminum in the Chevy Volt hood, so there is already aluminum in GM vehicles.
Actually most GM hoods (and some roof panels) are already aluminum including the GM trucks.
Oh hell all auto makers have been using aluminum hoods and trunk lids for years.
The key is using the right combination of light but ridged parts to make a car still Affordable, Reasonably Repairable and Safe.
We went through the plastic era of fenders and hood or even all plastic bodies in the 80’s-90’s. Today GM has used careful engineering and the use of aluminum, Boron steel and magnesium to help cut the weight of their products. They are down to checking the weight of even every bolt in the car now. This is why the GM truck is only 71 pounds heavier with out the extensive use of aluminum at this point.
The truth is cars will either have to get smaller or they will have to move to Aluminum to get the weight off as mass is the great enemy of MPG.
GM and Ram both will add more aluminum in the next gens of their trucks.
But the bottom line is Truck marketing is a pissing match where they all have wet legs. I just saw a commercial where GMC tells of how they use high strength rolled steel in their trucks just like they use in submarines. Last I looked any steel car or truck uses rolled steel but not several inches think like a sub.
Just look back at the history of truck marketing and see how silly it is. Trucks pulling trains, ships and space shuttles. Trucks going up burning ramps. Trucks with the other guys truck on back going up piles of dirt and rock. All of them showing guys in cowboy hats. Trucks surviving the nuclear holocaust while their competitor did not. Clever but all pointless.
There’s nothing more enjoyable then reading everyone’s expert opinions on the new, trully innovative, state of the art, most capable F150. Everything I read about how wonderful the Silverado is or how beautiful the Ram is, leads into the next sentence, a comparison to yes, the F150. I have read about the faliure of the Ecoboost engine mainly on truck forums but to watch when GM introduced their new Silverado and Ecotech engine, they were sure to mention that it beat Ecoboost, GM soon dropped the spot. Ford has since fixed any glitch they had and yes, offer another Ecoboost option for the F150. Ford critics have even beat up on the optional tail gate step, then GM came out the very next year with a glorified corner step bumper which in a Michigan winter makes it useless until the snow an ice are removed. Truth is that the outgoing steel bodied F150 with the 3.5 liter Ecoboost engine is just technically a better truck than (the new) Silverado. GM will again copy Ford, I’m sure they will have their version of an aluminum bodied turbo charged Silverado, by then Ford will have their next generation F150 ready. GM will always be no.2 in trucks, they just lack innovation plain and simple. GM and Rams short lived sales gains realized by the lost production of the 2014 F150 due to changeover will be squashed once both American assembly plants reach full production by summer.
There is nothing more enjoyable than to see someone get sucked into PR marketing no matter the brand. These folks are the PT Barnum of today in marketing and seeing how people get fooled while trying to inform others on just what they got sucked in on.
Ford has build a good truck and it is the duty of Marketing to make you think they moved the earth with it. Bt the truth is if you really look at it that while it is a good truck it really did not move the ball much even with all the investment,
Sure it is aluminum but it only has a net 71 pound advantage over the competition. How long ago did land Rover master the use of Aluminum in mass production? It is nothing new.
The DI Turbo motors are again nothing new as they have been around almost 10 years in Audi models and a few others. Even my 08 Chevy has a 300 HP Turbo DI 2.0. But it was their failure to market it and that is what Ford did do better. Also they did not just 2-5 MPG but they netted one MPG. They do have a better torque curve as that is the nature of the beast but that is not what Ford is marketing.
The key here is to be hones and marketing is silly on both sides and many people get sucked in on both sides. It is a deal where you have to look at the reality of the product and not fall for the embellished claims no matter the make.
I just love the one about Ram is now the fasted growing truck brand. Well they are but when you sell more than near nothing and add a few sales do to deep discounts you would be faster growing.
The difference between a bull shitter and a advertising account manager is the manager gets paid.
As for sales the Ford will come out strong as any new model does as there is a pent up demand for new Fords with low supplies and the fact many people waited for the new truck. In time it will settle back to about where they have been. Brand loyalty is strong in this class and little will change no matter what they make out of.
Well said Chet. You’re just trying to tell it as it is. Some people have issues with that.
At least Ford could stand on there own…unlike gmc and dodge…taxes payers had to prop them up…buffoons manage gmc and dodge, nothing but public transit if you ask me…
I hear a lot about “netting only 1 mpg” but the reality is the chevy doesn’t get as good of mileage as it claims in real world applications. Also chevy is STILL running PUSHROD engines. AND chevy had to make their antiquated engines nearly twice the size to be able to be competitive in power (they have to go to a 6.2l to be able to beat ford’s 3.5l ecoboost). Oh, back to the mpg. Complaining that the ford’s don’t get that good of mileage while towing is just dumb. The average person isn’t towing 90 percent of the time. Would you rather get decent mileage 90 percent of the time or 10? Easy answer to anyone with a brain. Oh now the aluminum stuff. Whether they’ll admit it or not, chevy will be doing aluminum bodies eventually too. And them holding on to the higher body repair (which is largely due to it being new technology for MOST body places) and making vague statements hinting at but not being able to prove insurance costs MAY be higher is just them desperate to find something to sell their trucks. If their STEEL bodies were so much better they’d have put out a video of a head to head body damage contest (NOTICE HOW THAT DOESN’T EXIST). If you took the same amount of force in the same place on both a ford and chevy I’d bet the chevy would show much more damage (though I’ll bet the Ford would still cost a bit more to fix). Not to mention that though it will still corrode the aluminum will last much longer before rusting to crap. Personally I kinda like the look of the new chevys over the new fords but I’d rather own the Ford. In my history of owning around 200 cars and trucks I’ve had the most trouble with the gm models (weak transmissions and couldn’t make an intake gasket for over 20 years- see gm 3.1, 3.4, 3.8, and 4.3 liter engines). And when it comes to PR and ads, maybe if chevy did more inovating and less trash talking they might do better.
Let me be clear here. I like fords. I actually like gm too (2 of my top 5 list are gm – 1954 3 window 3100 pickup and a fiero) but I like cars and trucks. It seems like most chevy guys are just blindly chevy guys who can’t admit that chevys aren’t the best car ever. I’m fine with being a fan and I’m fine with brand loyalty but at least be honest and realistic about it not just completely blind about anything that might be better.
Well this got WAY too long and it’s irrelevant to any of the chevy guys anyway since they won’t listen to anything anyway (though admittedly there are ford nuts just as bad).
Can’t wait to hear all the insults I’m sure to get.