Interbrand‘s 15th annual Best Global Brands Report is out once again and, among the Apples and Googles of the world, several automakers have made the list. In the case of General Motors, Chevrolet is its most global brand − how did it do?
First, let’s look into their methodology: To determine the top 100 most valuable brands each year, Interbrand examines three key areas that contribute to a brand’s value − in their own words:
- The financial performance of the branded product and service
- The role the brand plays in influencing customer choice
- The strength the brand has to command a premium price or secure earnings for the company
In total, there were 14 automotive brands (including Harley Davidson) in the list, with Chevrolet placing 82nd, which is an improvement of seven places since last year. Interbrand claims that Chevrolet’s brand value of $5,036,000,000 has improved 10% from last year, which is impressive considering the recall issues that GM has been facing back home.
Interbrand states that “leading automotive brands continue to rethink the future of mobility. A combined focus on energy-efficient products and integrated technology is helping leading auto brands drive brand loyalty and value.” If this is true, how do you see Chevrolet using GM’s generous resources to move up in the world of personal transportation?
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