Last week’s tug-of-war between a Duramax-powered beast of a Silverado and an un-trailered semi truck was one of the more entertaining things we’ve seen in recent memory, so we ‘re coming at you with a second instalment of General Motors-powered tug-of-wars. Get ready, because this time it involves a Corvette.
The winner of the Silverado/semi-truck tow-off was basically decided by who had the most traction. The Silverado in question was a dually with an abundance of weight in the bed, while the semi had little to no weight over its rear tires. As a result, the semi-truck was fruitlessly spinning its tires while getting dragged across a parking lot by the much smaller Chevy.
Today’s video is a little different. We have a C5 Corvette Z06 hitched up to a second-gen Blazer by its control arm. The Blazer is a 2WD model, so apart from the Blazer’s additional weight over the rear tires, this is a fairly even matchup.
Place your bets and find out the winner of this smoky showdown in the video below.
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