Lego Camaro “Transforms” Into Bumblebee
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If you were a kid in the 1980s, you remember the original Transformers, which were a die-cast car or other vehicle that would magically change into a robot warrior. A number of years ago the toy was resurrected as a Hollywood franchise with a whole new cast of characters including the Bumblebee Camaro. Now an enterprising Lego builder has created a Lego Bumblebee Camaro that actually transforms into a robot.
Ralph Savelsberg is known world-wide for his Lego talents. He built this Camaro as part of the LUGNuts “Only in America” Build Challenge. The LUGNuts gang has already handled several Japanese, British, and even Iron Curtain builds, but this time it’s for American vehicles.
Looking through the LUGNuts gallery on Flickr, you’ll see some mighty special mock-ups, from a Buick GSX to a 1937 Cadillac V16, but Ralph’s Camaro takes the cake due to is transformable nature.
Hello, can you tell me where we can buy this Lego Camero that transforms into Bumblebee?
You need to search online, not to mention spell the car name properly. Also try eBay.