‘Coding It’, Starring The 2015 Cadillac ATS: Ad Break
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Despite the recent disbanding of the Rogue Ad Agency that was previously responsible for all of Cadillac’s current advertising, we’ll still see a few of the company’s previously-produced commercials trickling out. These including the likes of this ad entitled Coding It, for the 2015 Cadillac ATS.
Taken as a continuation (or revision) of the narrative initiated by the somewhat-controversial “Poolside” ad, this spot is fascinating. The ad’s subjects are all Black — with the exception of the token condescending white VIP spectator — almost as if to back-track on the implications of Poolside ad. “Look, world, we’re not really racist and culture-centric! Black people can experience enough success to buy our products, too!” Or could it be that the ad attempts to capitalize on some of the same “Imported From Detroit” home-grown ethnic pandering that Chrysler instills in their advertisements.
Besides all this, the ad — which builds upon Seizing It — is just thoroughly confusing. The main subject appears to be driving in to the office at around eight o’clock in the evening, only staying for what seems like 30 seconds, and wearing a positively stupid hat in the process. Then there’s a boy lighting up a stove, and two confused men in a sound studio who seem to have lost the manual to their mixing board. All three of these secondary characters have no tangible connection whatsoever to the product, especially the cooking boy, as he presumably lacks a driver’s license.
With all due respect, Rogue, we’re relieved that Cadillac dropped the hatchet on you to head in a new direction.
To be honest, it’s not a bad commercial. I can see what they were trying to get at. The ATS isn’t an exclusive luxury car like the new CTS. I see the ATS in the same light as the old ATS, it’s an affordable, classy, and modern luxury car. Do you work hard? Do you like nice things? Are you proud of your accomplishments? You deserve to be rewarded, you deserve nice things. You are a Cadillac ATS owner. That is essentially to message of this commercial.
I Actually Liked it, A Lot!!!!! 😉
The “stupid hat” observation was spot-on, and yeah this ad is just confusing. Dropping Rouge was the right move.