Earlier today, we brought to you news that a 40-foot-wide sinkhole emerged within the National Corvette Museum’s Sky Dome  and claimed three irreplaceable Corvettes, including the one millionth and 1.5 millionth built models, among others.
It turns out sinkholes are a bit of a commonality in the region, but if you’ve never seen one happen in real time, have a look at the video below. It contains live security footage within the NCM’s Sky Dome, pointing directly where the sinkhole first emerged, swallowing a pair of Corvettes in the video. Have a look.
Hopefully the vehicles will be carefully retrieved and restored as appropriate, although should one be unrestorable, it could be put on display as this event will certainly be ingrained in Corvette history.
Well, they are machines -and being Corvettes- that means the “rarest” parts or most unique things about them is probably special body work (show cars). Therefore replicating or repairing the ones that are salvageable should be relatively straight forward.