The LG Chem Holland, Michigan facility finally, after much delay, began producing battery cells for the Chevrolet Volt. Then as soon as it started, it stopped again. According to a statement issued by LG Chem, here’s why:
“We discovered the possibility that this material may not be properly registered and made the decision to pause our production until we have that question resolved. We are currently reviewing the registration status and will work with the EPA to resolve the issue quickly. In the meanwhile, we are delaying production activities for approximately 6 weeks until we have confirmed the registration status or otherwise obtain approval from EPA.”
The EPA went as far as to subpoena LG Chem, according to Inside EVs, and cease manufacturing the facility until further notice. Despite the seriousness, LG Chem is viewing the matter as only temporary. Stay tuned for more developments.
Just like the government. They force makers into making cars like this and just when they start to get traction they shut them down due to paperwork.
Could they not let them continue while they get things worked out? No that would make too much sense.
is this the only source where the volt batteries are being made or is there another factory?
As of now this is it. That is why it is a problem for GM as they lower the price on the cars to increase sales.
The sad thing in the end is they will start up again after they get the substance approved.
That is just it the substance is not illegal it was just not approved and will be approved with the proper paperwork.
While the EPA can do some good they are unregulated with any over site and can also do a lot of damage in the hands of the wrong people. Take the time to read the background on those running the EPA and it is stunning who and what they are.
The EPA is also has a recall for the wheel weights because they were found to contain lead.
Not a joke they are trying to ban the weights on all tire balances.
No wonder the Volt cost so much, along with just about everything we make. The EPA is a huge agency with a lot of power run by IDOITS
The EPA is trying to keep our air clean. But the biggest cause of vehicle price and weight increase is the addition of safety devices because of all the lawsuits. As a child, I rode in many vehicles, never had any accidents, and never had to be tied down and surrounded by so much stuff that I will never use. The lawyers began suing the manufacturers for every small error that was mostly cause by bad drivers. Now that we have those safety devices, many drivers are now reckless and assume that they can drive as they wish and not get hurt.
If cars were as fragile as eggshells, we will have less accidents and deaths!
Not true both are great contributors as automakers have had to completely revamp their engine lines. What do you think the addition of cylinder drop, Turbocharging and Direct Injection as done to engine cost. What do you think the increase in cost of aluminum and Magnesium has done to cost. What has the cost of weight savings in the name of CAFE has done to each and every new platform.
Now I do not disagree safety systems have also increase cost and that some of it was lawsuit driven. But much of it was also done due to the government regulation and the threat of government regulation.
Also the governments lack of tort reform to where you would have to have a legitimate case to take to court. Now people go and lawyers just expect companies to settle just because it would cost them even more to win. In the end the wrong party often gets rewarded just for going to court.
Add to this the folks in government that refuse to resend tort reform are elected official’s that yes they are lawyers too.
Either way the EPA needs to be but it should have oversight as to their actions as now they can do what ever they like and devastate industries and peoples wallets with in some cases little to return positive to the environment. If the government was so concerned and not behold to special interest groups they would have everyone sit down and work things out. But that will never happen on either side.
By the way if cars were fragile as egg shells more would die as people are generally too ignorant today for even self preservation. I am to the point I want a strong car around me not so much for my actions but those of the idiot texting or putting on make up or shaving while I just try to get to work in one piece.
I have had several crashes not of my own doing and both where the car saved my life. You tend One the structure let me walk away and the other the antilock and stability gave me a chance to avoid the car that turned in front of me and stopped in my lane. I avoided him and was able to make the corner enough I was able to find a suitable place to go off the road with only a little damage and no injury. If it had been one of my older cars I would have pegged him in the side at 50 MPH.
I agree 100%. Cars today are much safer than in the past. Part due to government regulation.
This is a good thing. You are much more likely to surrive a crash today in a 5 star safety rated car than an old tin box from 20 years ago. Not onl;y the safety features, but the stability, brakes, and stearing have been drastically improved so that nor you are likely able to be able to to avoid the crash in the first place, where as on an old car, the wheels are locked, and you are out of control and basically along for the ride.