GM Authority

Adaptive Cruise Control Announced For 2014 Chevrolet Impala

We’re not sure how much longer you’ve got before breathing and remembering to drink water is suddenly becomes too much of a chore. But for those who can still remember basic body functions, though would rather have braking and accelerating done for you, adaptive cruise control has been announced for the 2014 Chevrolet Impala as a rolling update. Models equipped with the system will feature a covered grille, like the model pictured above. Contrary to early speculation, this design cue doesn’t point toward an Impala Eco model.

The 2014 Impala is the first Chevrolet to implement adaptive cruise control technology — a feature that trickled down from the Cadillac XTS. The full-speed-range adaptive cruise control system uses forward-looking radar to let the driver choose one of three proximity gaps, which determines how closely the 2014 Impala follows the vehicle ahead. When activated, adaptive cruise control will automatically accelerate and brake the vehicle up to moderate levels to maintain the driver-selected gap, and can even work under stop-and-go traffic conditions.

Complimenting the adaptive cruise control technology is the Forward Collision Alert system, which warns the driver when they are approaching a vehicle ahead too quickly or if they’re following too closely (read: tailgating). There’s also Crash Imminent Braking, available with the ACC package, which can automatically apply the brakes, such as when a driver fails to respond quickly enough to Forward Collision Alert warnings.

Even with all the preventive measures, Chevrolet insists drivers pay careful attention to traffic and road conditions. Hopefully that’s not too hard to do.

Former staff.

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  1. Great feature for those times when you’ve got it on auto-pilot and are day dreaming.

  2. These are the systems they need to spend there money on! Keeping you from getting a crash

  3. This was already announced before the new Impala’s even hit the lots. I got to view one at a GM Product Plus meeting before we received them and they wouldn’t tell us why the grille looked so weird until near the end of the presentation. Most of us speculated as to what it was, and sure enough it was the Adaptive Cruise Control. I remember telling my sales manager not to order the first Impala’s with it because in my opinion, the grille in the models without it looks significant’y better. However, now that we’ve had the new Impala’s here for a bit I can’t wait until the first one arrives with the adaptive cruise control so I can test it out to see how good it really is.

  4. I could care less about the systems and would avoid it just because of the grill alone.

    While some may disagree some of these advanced system may help some drivers but to me they are taking the driver more and more out of the act of driving and in many ways it may even cause more issues with uninventive drivers.

    Like the self parking. If you can’t handle the simple act of parking a car then you should not be driving anyways.

    We need fix the people not the vehicles.

  5. What a God-send! Coupled with the lane warning system it will be much easier for the driver to text, watch a DVD, read the paper, and make an espresso while driving down the Interstate………… COOOOOOOLLLLLLL! I can’t wait!!!!!

    1. Never thought of this angle, but it does make sense. It will be that much easier for this type of mindset to get into “trouble”.

  6. Just like having auto pilot on a aircraft

    1. Right before you fly into a mountain.

      I have considered that this may just decrease the skills of drivers as time goes on.

      It is kind of like making everyone get into a wheelchair so they don’t wear out their knees and then it gets to the point no one knows how to walk.

      To be honest this is the first step of eliminating the driver. These systems will all lead to driverless cars. I as a car enthusiast find this sad as I love to driver. I also fear the control others can have on where I go, when I go and how fast I go. These are things people are just not considering when they see these new systems from Google etc.

      1. So you don’t like control, or being controlled? Well you already are so what’s the difference? Laws are on the books to prevent you from speed, burn outs, there’s places you can’t go at times!

        These systems don’t keep you from driving they aid you in those certain modes, anybody who has driven across the country understands what it’s like to approach a car going slower then the speed limit for what ever reason, you have to turn off the cruise control slow down wait to get by and rest cruise, this system takes care of that problem!

        These systems are not making you a worse driver, you can turn it off any time you want!

        Just like having bright lights to help you see, people are not losing their driving skills for using them!

        It seems to me people like you have a problem with technology, are people better off today because of computers? Most would say yes!

        Aviation is certainly safer because of those systems that make it easier to fly!

        You can say no to these systems and one day you will be left without a car to drive!

        1. Any idiot can point out the good of technology but it take true wisdom to comprehend the future effects of a fast developing technology

          Also who’s hands it falls into is also an issue. Atomic energy and chemicals can save million’s of lives but it also can take millions also in the wrong hands.

          Same for the rules of society as there always has to be a degree of limits to protect some from themselves or others.

          The deciding factor here is wisdom. Today we have many smart people but too few have the wisdom to really comprehend what is going on or happening to them today.

          The colonies were controlled and they took the wisdom and strength to say no and stand up to England. Today we just do not have that wisdom of inner strength anymore.

          Today technology is moving at a rate that by the time many understand it someone has already taken control of it and the actions of those using it.

          The fact is I am afraid the day is coming where you will not have control of a car and you will be at the mercy of the system to go when and were the pleasure of those placed over you decide.

          The fact is many just like you are losing more and more of your freedom of choice and at some point you and your decedents will no longer enjoy what you have at this very moment.

          The bottom fact is the lack of wisdom of people to day will be the end of the way of life as we know it and not all of it for the better.

          1. So your complaining about something that may or may not ever happen! Now you have just described the real definition of a idiot!

            What a sad man you have become

            1. We know you are speaking English but again but you still make no sense.

              1. So your ok with complaining about something that might happen in the future?

                1. Better than complaining about it after it happens.

                  1. You would end up doing that to

                    1. I may not change the world but I am gonna leave a scar!

  7. We’ve had cruise control for decades now. Is a car less of a “enthusiasts car” because it has cruise control?

    The fact is, driving is seen as a bothersome chore for many people, especally when confronted with gridlock. The minority “enthusiasts” are powerless to stop the automation of the car as they are a smaller consumer base.

    1. I agree that many in LA and other large cities have no love for the car and would love these systems. This is why they are already looking into it in places like LA.

      The option of advanced cruise control is not the issue but the fact that it is just another part of the system needed to control the entire car is worrisome.

      I also agree the Enthusiasts are a very endangered minority anymore. We may see to the point in our lives that our hobby will fade from sight. I see it already in the performance market as kids are priced out of the hobby anymore. You see some Import racers but they are very limited and not how it used to be just 20 years ago.

      My customers today are older and have the money to play . In the past it was the grassroots racers that scrapped up what they could to make a car perform. A kid today can hardly afford to buy even a fox body Mustang and hop it up if they even would want to. Kids today want a better phone not a faster ET.

      Times have changed. Our government has changed and our way of life has changed. Some in a good way but so much not for the better. Makes one ponder where we will be in 20 years.


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