Those who want to be look out of their vehicle and see an unblemished view of the surroundings will want to watch the video below, which provides some really great advice and instruction on how to clean and polish a windshield. Being an avid detailer myself, I can fully agree with the notion that there’s nothing worse than a dirty windshield, especially on a limited-edition CTS-V, let alone any Cadillac.
Having watched the video below, which can apply to any vehicle — not just a Caddy, you’ll have a reason to spend a few minutes in your garage this weekend. And if the video doesn’t cover it, feel free to ask us in the comments.
We’d also love to recommend some products, as they’ve proved their worth on our personal vehicles:
I carry a bottle of Adams detailer to clean the windshield and a microfiber rag. It works great on bird droppings and bugs. It also doubles great as a glass cleaner. I also use it on the house windows.
Adam’s Detail Spray works great, but it’s a bit on the pricey side for what it is. Chemical Guys CG Speed Wipe is cheaper and works just as well – I’ve bought both.
It may be for some but I get it at cost and use it for more than just cleaning widows.
I like this guy’s videos!
Bring us more.
About 20 years ago I remember seeing Pat Goss using Bon Ami scouring powder to clean windshields. It works great but can bleach black trim.
Great detail in this video very helpful. I have found a quick alternative when out on a trip and you encounter bugs which splatter on the windshield and front of the vehicle. I carry a wash mit pre-soaked with water & car wash solution in a large zip lock bag. I also carry a large towel, a spray bottle with water and most important a California Water Blade with the original surgical silicone double edge. When I stop for the night or even at rest stops I pull out the spray water bottle and heavily mist all the areas covered by the splattered bugs. Allow to soak in for a minute or two. Next I pull out my wash mit and go over all the previously soaked areas. This wll remove all bugs if you keep your vehicle normally clean. Now using the Water Blade as a squeege I do the windshield first followed by the front end using the big towel. This process takes 5-6 minutes once you get it down and can really save the finish on your paint as bug juices are very acidic.
This is the water blade that I mentioned, it’s the original one which Is very well made, I’ve had both of mine for at least 10 years. They don’t bother the paint and they clean the windshiel so well you don’t need a rag.