Similar to how the V-Series (CTS-V, STS-V, XLR-V) has been shaped into Cadillac‘s extreme performance sub-brand, the brand seems to be making moves to build the Vsport name into another sub-brand.
In discussing the Vsport name, Cadillac product director Hampden Tener told The Detroit News that “in the future you can look to us to expand this idea to additional models, additional vehicle models, and also using the branding for performance or sport appearance-related options and accessories”.
The Vsport sub-brand launches with the 410 hp, all-wheel-drive XTS Vsport that’s currently arriving in dealerships. Next up will be the 420 hp CTS Vsport, which will utilize the Alpha rear-wheel-drive platform and a new eight-speed automatic transmission, serving as the range-topping 2014 CTS until the bona fide CTS-V is ready to launch. What could be next? If you were to ask us, we’d wager that it would be the ATS Vsport.
We will now brace ourselves for the waves of customers and dealers alike confusing the V-Series and Vsport names.
What’s so hard to understand, there’s a base level, mid level, and a high level of performance! Along with this goes price!
I think it’s a great move!
What is the base model going to be V Putts?
I hope Cadillac does not get crazy with the V what ever too much like Olds did with the Cutlass name.
A good thing is fine in moderation but if used too much it can negate any gains.
CTS Sport would have been fine
Who cares what the hell they call it! GM listens to the customer and they deliver and people still complain when will this end!
People complained for years that there was no middle ground just a base model and the high end model! To much hp between them!
So Cadillac fix the problem!
I think what scott means is that GM shouldn’t invest too much time, money, and energy in the V-sport line if it detracts from the V-series; that GM is too hasty to slap a “V” on Cadillacs for the sake of image when the V-series line itself (a range of exclusive cars Cadillac should be promoting) is just getting it’s foot in the door.
Cars with the V-sport badge should not be seen as cut-price V-series cars, and nothing the V-sport cars can do should be beyond what the V-series can do.
In other words, a V-sport car shouldn’t be within striking distance of a V-series; in price, HP, or track times.
I agree, Grawdaddy.
What I mean is I wish they would give the V sport a designation that did not try to live off the V Series.
This is a complete car that could live on its own and should not even try to confuse buyers into thinking it is a V series.
This is not a cut rate car and one that could stand on it’s own and should be given a chance to be it’s own car. The V series is a car on a level all it’s own and I suspect will be even more expensive now that they have a lower priced sport model.
This is like a AMG and AMG Black. One is Jack Daniels and the other is like 120 year old scotch. Both are good but one is more common and lesser priced. Both may be whiskey but both have their own identity.
It is not really that big of a deal and what is done is done.
I already have seen on the web sites many already confuse the V sport as the new V series. The GM guys get it but those who are not GM fans are not always as well versed and may confuse them.
While this may not seam important to some it is important if you want to attract buyers from other brands. How many will see the V Sport in passing and see the 420 HP and think GM killed the V series power?
Little things like this may not always be apparent how it can help or hurt things. It is best to avoid confusion. Auto makers need to not make things fool proof but Idiot proof.
Also while adding something lie a SRX V Sport would be welcomed it almost is like slapping SS on ever model and could cheapen the V series image as they would never do a SRX as one. At least not in the present platform.
The only thing that needs to be idiot proofed is you, don’t you think that the Cadillac dealership will have all three models im the showroom to explain what the difference is?
So if Cadillac called it the g sport you be ok with it cuz the name is different?
I don’t think this will effect sells neg, I think it will only drive sells giving the buyers something that they have been asking for a mid level performance car!
We get what we asked for but there are a few buyers that get butt hurt cuz the name bothers them! Just goes to show you that GM can never satisfy some of their customers!
I wondered when you would start the insults.
When you run out of argument you start turning into a troll.
You are one here that shows great signs of weakness and lack of intellect as you can seldom post a post with out a valid point.
My whole point is this is a good enough model to stand on its own and feel it will get lost with the V series name. It will do fine as it is but I think it could have done better to stand out to the public who is not sitting there reading the spec sheet.
If you want to debate that is fine but if you go off on insults like you do on others I will pass you over from here on.
If the moderators here will not do anything we the posters can make you irrelevant. Or should I say more irrelevant than you already make yourself with such actions.
I’m not a troll, I’ve tried to explain to you that your wrong! It doesn’t register to you!
Show me one example in terms of sells that car has been a flop because it was named something to close to a sister car!
You used the word idiot!
So don’t tell me not to use it, you basically called me a idiot without naming me first hand!
So you expect the people that run this site to protect you and not me?
Your the one that runs like a little boy trying to complain about people like me who call you out to the site!
Remember you used the word first!
I need no protection from you as you are not a threat. The lack of decorum is at risk and that often kills a web forum. You can be easily neutralized by not replying to anything you post if I choose.
My comment of Idiot proof was due to what a Ford engineer once adviced me as to how they approched product development. It is a term I use often due to where it came from. Most people are not dumb but are not all that wise anymore and it is upon the companies to make sure nothing can be confused or mistaken.
Hell If I were to call you an idiot I would just done so and not try to hide it. In fact I can do a hell of a lot better than that if you like.
But I just see your attacks as weakness on this site as you have done it with so many others and I expected it to happen to me at some point. The sad point it hurts the site more than the person the words are directed too.
As I have clearly stated in two different stories I do not expect the car to fail. I just believe it could do even better as it’s own model and not have to attach itself to the V series.
You appear to be the one who thinks it has to be associated witht he V Series to be significant when I believe it could do as well or better on it’s own. Yes I believe the car is so good it does not need the V series to help it.
You have made your point I have made mine.
So whats to argue about?
You think I am a idiot or worse and your the one that gets confused about a v sport or a v series when clearly they are light years apart from each other!
One is a ttv6 and other is a s/cv8! What’s there to be confused about? I mean really!
I made this point earlier don’t you think the dealership will have both v’s on the show room floor and explain what the difference was?
When my dad bought his sts in the 90s it sat right next to sls! I knew the difference my dad knew the difference but there was the salesman explaining to us what the major difference between a sts and a sls! So why would this be any different!
You have to be brain dead not to be able to understand or find out the difference between both cars!
As for seeing the car past by you on the street, they don’t post hp numbers on the back of the car so how would anyone think neg of a v sport?
This car would post the same sell numbers if was called v sport or had no name at all!
GM finally listens to what it’s customers want, they deliver and people are still not happy!
If you nit pick these types of things I wonder how you treat the members of your family! By this example your family has to be perfect or they will get picked apart!
Does anything in this world make you happy? Are you content with anything?
The thing is here to consider here is that a majority of the public is brain dead at least about cars. And before you get all worked up I an not calling you brain dead so stop reading things into what everyone says.
The love affair with the car is not what it once was and the average buyers no longer has all the spec’s memorized or can tell what car is coming at them at night by the parking lights.
Today you have to keep things clear and open as even some gear heads can get confused if they may have not kept up o the latest. Note the post from Camval1. They may have not been up on this and did not understand what was going on with the line up. Not their reply below is not the only one I have read on the web of not at first getting it.
In todays ultra competitive market details can take a car from 1st in class to 4th in class. Today good enough is no longer acceptable. GM for too long we just good enough and they paid the price for it. They thankfully are moving away from this.
If you want to beat the Germans it is in the details. From engineering to marketing you have to be spot on or you will pay the price.
Today you can no longer assume people will know the difference. Also as I stated I think this car is more than strong enough to stand on it’s own and not have to cling to a V in the name.
To me doing like Olds naming nearly every model with the Cutlass name, or even Michelin naming so many tires Pilot often confuses the customer.
Case in point I had years ago someone who owned a Cutlass Ciera. Not really a great car and it had it’s share of issues. It was even FWD. But yet they would not look a the Cutlass Supreme RWD because they confused it with the one they hated. It lost Olds a sales because they could not understand the difference. Now this happens much more than you think. This is a society that has to remind people that Coffee is hot and not to put their toes under the mower deck.
This name is not that big of a deal but I just think they could have done better for this car. It does not need big brother looking out for it and GM could have had two very distinct lines and not two similar sounding ones.
Brian the Brain dead are out there and in great numbers but their money is as green as anything. If you want to win the game you have got to have a little luck, a lot of hard work and to get all the little things right.
Anyone can get the major things right but the little things are what separate the cream of the crop from the chaff.
As for happy Hell I am happy with a lot of things but that is no excuse to continue to look for things and ways to improve. You stop trying to improve and they will eat your lunch every time.
I expect that you may be in the mid 20’s to early 30’s here and still have a lot to learn. I too did not understand details at that age and now wish I did. I have done well in life but as like many have found you get much of it figured out much later and even then there is still so much to learn.
There is a difference between book smart, street wise and wisdom with age. They each come with experience and learning and hopefully on the way one of them do not kill you as you learn it.
With GM they have come a long way and they still have a ways to go. They will make mistakes and they will work fast to correct them as like in the Malibu. That was a case I was glad to see how fast they were willing to go to make the public happy in a car that important. Yes they were little details on a good car but in this segment the little things have pushed their sales to the lower end of the scale vs. the others. It will be interesting to see if they did enough to help sales.
So while you may not like it we will have to agree to disagree. Also please stop taking things personal. Just because someone says idiot does not mean it was directed at you. Though after your reaction it does make one ponder the thought. LOL! That was a joke!
Just remember I am the first person to defend and praise GM but I also will be the first to point out where I think they could have done better. That is what these forums are all about. I know many GM people and they do read these things. Many of the things I post here are just what I tell them. Sometimes they do not agree and many times they do. Many times they were not able to do what they wanted to do for many internal reasons that make sense if you know all the facts and often on web sites we are lacking many of the facts.
Well we agree to disagree I do respect where you are coming from
I was confused.
So there are the regular Cadillacs, then the Vsports, and then the Vs?
People ARE going to confuse the 2 Vs.
Dumb marketing move.
If Vsport is analogous to the M-sport, then there should be a equally confusing problem for BMW’s M-sport and M range.
There isn’t, though, and I doubt too many people are that unobservant.
That, and I’ve just noticed that it’s spelt “Vsport”, without a hyphen as is seen in “V-series”. I don’t know if it will help, but “sport” and “Series” should be enough to tell those in the know what either car is.
Just because Germany does it doesn’t make it the right thing to do. But at least with the Vsport line, customers get a stronger powertrain.
Not surprising, and a smart move by Cadillac. The Euro brands have their M sport and S-line. Nice step forward. Now build the Elmiraj and cap it.
The v sport is not a cut price v series
Majority of cars enthusiasts will not be confused with this strategy.
A consumer considering these vehicles for purchase may question the difference.
My mom, my sister, my boyfriend would be hella confused!
How can you be confused you look at the hp numbers
V sport has 420 hp
V series has 556 hp
What’s so hard to understand?
I don’t find it confusing… I mean like do any people find it hard to differentiate amg or amg sport (if there is one) or M and M sport?
It is AMG and AMG Black.
I hope that unconfuses things . lol!
With all the specs on the net now and all the people that have phone’s that connect to the net! They can look up numbers for the v sport if they are confused!
I’m pretty sure MB is just calling it a sport package that just includes an AMG wheel and that package marked at $2000 but no engine performance upgrade……. AMG and AMG black series are all pretty much top of the line like the Cadillac V and BMW M series