Somewhere in Florida (we think), the owner of a red fifth-generation Corvette tuned by Craven Performance is probably sitting and biting his nails, because he was the leading offender of a hit-and-run. To recap, the Vette driver, wearing a rather extravagant Corvette jacket, turns on the ghetto-rap (with the windows down, of course) and proceeds to pull out of (what seems to be) a car meet. First, he burns out and does a half-donut onto an active and rather narrow public road. Mistake #1. Then, he does another half-donut onto oncoming traffic, nearly colliding with a row of cars and the cameraman. Mistake #2. And if two uncontrolled 180s wasn’t enough, the driver attempts to save face by speeding away, only to skim the side of an oncoming Silverado and — rather than stopping and reconciling the damage — speed away.
The GM Authority Take
The driver just couldn’t handle the power of his Vette. For instance, it doesn’t look like he even meant to do the first half-donut; instead, the goal was probably a powersliding exit. But hey, at least he turned the windshield wipers on (some major karate going on there). Then, instead of stopping and going home with his tail between his legs, the driver proceeds to do the second 180 — during which he was obviously not in control. And then comes the hit-and-run part, as a commentator declares, “That’s a hit and run, baby”. Priceless.
In any event, don’t hoon on the street… especially a busy street, and especially if you can’t handle the power. Also, eardrum-blasting rap and hefty Vette jacket usually don’t help. And to top it all off, the red calipers aren’t BBKs — they appear to be fake caliper covers.
This video should make some nice evidence for the cops. Let’s hope the driver hasn’t trimmed his nails in a while… because he’ll be biting on them for a long time.
What a Moron. Wasn’t much of a hit as it didn’t leave anything (debris) in the roadway.
He made contact, I think that pretty much defines hitting something
I love how Corvettes and other GM sports cars are so easily accessible, but for the safety and reputation of other enthusiasts, I think idiots like this one need another special licence. One for high powered and skill straining vehicles, like Corvette. Just a thought…
Or, GM can just price their high end cars out of the reach of morons and stuff like this would be less common.
On the other hand, there’s no shortage of idiots wrecking their 911’s.
I agree that cars over 300hp should need a special license to drive. Most people can barely drive a corolla, much less a tuned corvette.
Stupid is what stupid does, no need for a liscense for that. The driver was just being stupid if you ask me.. I figured people should have common sense. Burnouts should be in like an empty parking lot with nerfed telephone poles if your gonna try to show out in front of your friends not on the freeway with on coming traffic, because he sure needs practice..
This is practically a highway he is attempting this on, a deserted back road is one thing but a high traffic 4 lane road, what a complete idiot…
Its not just the power that gets these people. Shoot you could put a moron in a 90hp S10 and they will still find a way to crash it epicly. I cant tell you how many Corvette crash videos ive seen mostly due to the fact of someone not properly using an automatic. Looks like he threw it in “D” and put it on the carpet… at that point he was just askin for it…especially with a 4L60E equipped vette. That 1st to 2nd gear wheel speed difference is bound to cross ya up at some point.
No debris cos Chevy’s built to take a licking and keep on tickin.
This actually happened in the St. Louis area. But if you would ever fucking credit other sources rather than trying to make people think you found all the information on this website yourselves, then you would know this.
Seriously, I’m done with this site. Only because you all refuse to give any type of credit to other websites. All you do is jack stories and try to present them as your own. On that note, adios.