GM Authority

Something Big Is Coming Tonight From GM Authority!

Update: welcome to The New GM Authority.

Join us this evening to see some major changes to GM Authority — your favorite GM News & GM Forum destination.

We should have everything up and running on May 10th, 2013 around:

  • 11 pm EST
  • 10 pm CST
  • 9 pm MST
  • 8 PM PST

The GM Authority staff is comprised of columnists, interns, and other reporters who provide coverage of the latest General Motors news.

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  1. god i hope pages load faster!

    1. yup! I’d say load times are vastly improved

  2. Ok…

  3. Edit Feature?

    1. ah that could be [part of] it, I remember them telling me weeks ago that the edit feature was coming soon

    2. Scott — you can indeed now edit your comments. You need to be signed in, and you will see an “edit” button below each of your comments.



  4. Gosh, I’m reluctant to say this as you guys do such a great job with what you do, but I can’t say I like the new look. I do like that the text box where I’m typing right now is white, which makes it a little easier to read… but things look a little generic. I guess I’m going to need some time to adapt. What’s new otherwise that isn’t obvious?

  5. I like the new columns and the lighter color.

  6. Holy! Love the new look, guys. Complements all around!

  7. I like that the comment section is easier on the eyes. The rest of the new format, not so much. I guess we’ll get used to it though?

  8. Great work GM Authority ! I like your new look , its the first site I read each morning.

  9. I like the new look. It actually feels and looks a lot like the new Google PlayStore app update that just rolled out for Android devices… which is a fantastic thing!

  10. I visit this website everyday (multiple times a day) and to be honest, the changes kinda sucks but I guess i’ll have to get used to it and maybe it won’t be a burden in a month or 2

    1. Nicholas — we don’t take user feedback lightly. If you could point out what you don’t like about the changes, we’d greatly appreciate it.

      1. What I dislike is the amount advertising (which are the three or four same ads but multiplied), with the new color it makes it very confusing to read, as Joe G said the old one was easier on the eyes, I also dislike the ‘mobile’ layout makes it difficult to find itself on the website (with all the damn advertising and yahoo ads) and Lastly the new setup is a bit dysfonctional on aspect in my opinion compared to the old one but I guess it’s just a matter of getting used to it.

        I just thought the old one was flawless but other than that you guys are doing a terrific job, you always have good content.
        Thanks for the good work!

  11. nice fresh look, is this the new news or is there something else ???

  12. Likes: cascading replies, editing your own post

    Dislikes: plenty of fish theme (i preferred the black look – easier on the eyes), submissions are still molasses slow, the submission validator should be validated on the browser side, not server side (when i did it wrong, i went back to the page and my comment was gone; thus i had to retype this)

    Suggestions: HTML Editor, have the “Notify me of followup comments” automatically unchecked

    Thanks for providing a very informational website about my favorite automobile maker.

    1. Haven’t replies been set up in this fashion for some time now?

      You are right, submission take a long damn time still, but at least the page loads faster. If I forgot to put in my email/login, I can go back and my comment is still there; i’m running Chrome.

  13. Ugh, PLEASE go back to the old format.

    1. Dave — could you expand on that? What don’t you like about the new look?


  14. I like the old look too. I liked the darker tone. Good on the eyes. It was simpler layout. This is very “clinical” looking. Lacks the more robust look of the earlier. Maybe that’s it… It just doesn’t “pop” now.

  15. I really was a fan of the black–it set the site apart &, although it may not have been easy to read with the black background, it was easy to look at. I have a widescreen monitor so I may be seeing more white than most, but I still feel there needs to be a little color; even the red “Independent GM destination” (or whatever it said) is gone. And the older headlines above the brand new headlines appear just below the brand new headlines. It was pretty much like that before, but there was a break between the old and new headlines. You might be limited by the software you use there so don’t take it too personally. (Really, don’t take any of this personally. It’s just my opinion, and I won’t take it personally if you choose to ignore it!)

    Someday I would like to see the forum given a serious shot in the ass–that’s the ONLY thing keeping the other guys afloat, as far as I see it–but again, you guys run such a professional operation right now, I wouldn’t want that to become a distraction.

    BTW, I like the edit feature (I’m using it now). And I’m impressed that you took the time to make sure everything was functioning before you made the switch official.

  16. Couldn’t log in….couldn’t register….see this article….I’m already logged in.

    Color scheme is bleached. Would be nice to see Vauxhall on the headline.

  17. That’s it! Bleached. It looks bleached.


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