Just how does Magnetic Ride Control work in the Chevy Camaro ZL1? Does it use magnets aimed toward the road? Does it activate a magnetic field around the car? The best eight-year-old “story tellers” will tell you that’s what happens, but engineers will tell you that it’s the magnetic particles in the dampers that allow the vehicle’s suspension to adjust in mere milliseconds, which is much faster than anyone can blink.
The new Find New Roads Chevrolet spot provides a good visual explanation as to how MRC works, using magnets as a visual tool. What say you, GM Authorities? Does the new ad stick?
Love the technology (shame who owns it), and I have to give them props for trying something big, but that homeless guy with the “Golden Voice” would be more appropriate than John Cusack, who is just not right for these commercials. And the tagline is just meaningless.
If you have not driven this system then you can not imagine even how good it is. I recommend if any of you have the chance to take it for a spin.
GM needs to do more technology advertising as they are perceived down the list vs. other MFG that they are ahead of.
Not a fan of this spot as it explains little but it looks good. As simple minded as some are today that is all that matters I guess.
I’ve wondered for some time, as to why Gm doesn’t spread this technology to most of its line of cars. It seems to also be a great technology addition to the truck line.
I could be very wrong here, but: I believe the reason we don’t see it in more cars is that it has a fairly steep premium on it, so it tends to be reserved for high-end cars. Additionally, I don’t think it’s suited for something as large and heavy as a truck, where good suspension is important, but the ability to adjust that quickly is not.
i think “that’s american ingenuity” should suffice. “find new roads” doesn’t need to be tagged onto the end.
agree with the above commenter who said that that GM is still perceived by many to be outdated. that will change with great products, but their marketing campaign could help the cause.
cusack has a fine voice. but for camaro, they should get russell crowe