Even though General Motors sold 3.7 percent more product in 2012 than it did in 2011, its U.S. market share sank to 17.9 percent — an 80-year low — growing quickly, but not as fast as many of its competitors. Much of the blame could be shouldered on the aging staple products, such as the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra. However, The General hopes to rebound in 2013, thanks to a highly-refreshed product portfolio.
According to The Detroit News, 70 percent of GM’s U.S. portfolio will be new or refreshed between the start of 2012 and the end of 2013, and by 2016, 89 percent of all products will be new or refreshed compared to today. However, it seems that the going expectation involves a gradual uptick this year, with more significant growth taking place in 2014.
Beware all competitors the sleeping giant that is the General is very much awake 🙂
This is what having money can do.
The real import ants is not just market share but to keep each model profitable. You can have all the market share you want but no profits will kill you every time.
I agree with Scott, don’t try to pat yourself on the back with market share and loose money because of it. Before bankruptcy (at least here in Canada) at Christmas time, GM would give vehicles away with contests and very low prices just to be the market share winner again.
GM has proven that a large market share company can still lose money.
It takes a balance of both in todays market. Profits are security and growth and market share is strength and buying power.
This deal is much like Football as you can not win on defense of offense alone.
I would not get too carried away on the giant is awake. The fact is the giant is awake still has a lot of work to do. GM has a good plan in place but still needs to work through it and hope the economy does not falter anymore. Contrary to what some claim the economy while showing strength in some area is still not growing as it should. We are seeing world condition never seen before so it is a wait and see deal.
I have said for a long time WW III will be fought economically. I think we are kind of into that now. The trouble is many are trying to figure out how to beat the other country with out taking themselves out.
I really want to be blown away by some of these future vehicles and I would like to see some concepts that are game changers that bring new excitment and translate to some products that set the standard fir the industry… We saw it with the Vette now what will the next wow GM product look like…