If you’ve seen the Chevrolet SS performance sedan, you also may have seen its dual exhaust setup — two nice and shiny pipes sticking out the tail end of the Zeta-based sedan. But while the SS’ equivalent in Australia — the Holden Commodore SS V — sports quad exhaust pipes, and the SS’ predecessor — the late Pontiac G8 GXP — also had four outlets in the back, the new SS only has two. To make matters even more puzzling, the video introducing the Chevy SS also showed it with a quad exhaust setup, albeit that video was clearly marked as a “Pre-production Rendering”.

Clearly marked as a "Pre-production Rendering", the reveal video of the Chevrolet SS sedan shows the car with a quad exhaust setup, giving us a hint as to how the car might look with four outlets.
Keeping in mind that it would not result in any kind of change in performance, and that it’s purely an exercise in aesthetics, would you rather have two or four exhaust pipes on the SS? Cast your vote in the poll below.
I think it looks better with the larger diameter dual setup. I think it would look even better with some rectangular tips, such as these: http://www.maxspeed-motorsports.com/images/997tips/997tips4.jpg
definitely dual tipslooks much better
On one hand, I want to say leave it dual exhaust because the Corvette is synonymous with it. But the SS is a big deal now for Chevy and it might warrant a quad exhaust to show off an impressive, commanding appearance.
And that was supposed to read “The Corvette is synonymous with having quad exhaust.”
Dual, but ditch the round – make them trapezoids.
like same shape as the cut out…
From a marketing stand point the public always think more is better so the quads would have a better general appeal.
Also it would be a nice nod to Pontiac as they often used quads.
If you are going with two at least oval them out to give it a fitted look.
the single rounds look like something someone just slapped on from a Flowmaster kit.
So, is everyone ruling out that we could see an SS with even higher performance, that might use the quad exhaust? an “SS V”, detuned 500HP (gen5) 427 maybe?
Purely a function of performance to me…is it faster with one or the other? Then go with that set up.
Sounds like the after-market has a product to sell. Which ever the factory makes, they could make the other. Maybe a large oval, too?
This wasn’t done to cut costs, was it? You know, add up the pennies and pretty soon you have dollars.
Knowing Holden’s usual design trend, HSV will have the tail pipes as the shape of the cut out.
“Dual Chrome” tips and don’t forget to add more chrome to the front of the SS as well. However if the SS is produced as different performance levels, then GM should consider dual or quad depending on the particular performance level. I don’t think you would go wrong by producing both.
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