If the “King Camaro ZL1” rustled your jimmies, than this bubblegum-hued Chevy Camaro with matching 32-inch rims might just ruin your week. You’re welcome. Of course, this rather unique *ahem* Camaro resides in Florida. And of course, it was Tampa’s 813 Customs as the guilty party — the same folks that built the King.
To each, their own. Right? Right?
Kinda puts our biching about a pillars, interior materials, and tail light shapes into perspective, huh?
Couldn’t have put it better myself. Not that I’m complaining about any of those things 🙂
Whatever mind altering substances these 813 customs guys are ingesting, it needs to stop. Find their drug suppliers and shut them down. Remove their access to paint so they cannot huff the fumes. Take away their liquor license. Anything to avoid more of these ill-conceived expositions of ignorance,
Brian_E, all we need is for the “authority” of this website to raise the bar on the content that it chooses to publish. I don’t see any need to continue to promote such bad taste in automotive style, I would bet this doesn’t even show up on “GMI”.
I would much rather like to see someone do cartoon cars like “Lightning McQueen”, that would show true talent and would be a car show worth attending. These guys must have an arts & craft store across from their shop!
@Fastyle Not covering something like this would not fulfill our goal of being “The Ultimate Independent Destination for Everything General Motors”. So while some (myself included) may not like what we see here, your suggestion for GM Authority to filter content based on “good taste” is a slippery slope that will most definitely degrade our journalistic integrity. Allow me to present an example.
Covering topics/items that are only in “good taste” will probably result in some items NOT being covered that others carry about. Who knows, maybe we’d deem the C7’s aggressive styling to be in “bad taste”, and simply cease all C7 coverage in general. Of course, that might be an extreme example — but it illustrates the problem we face. Taken far enough, one might even call the choice to cover certain content and not other “media propaganda” (going back to communist USSR).
Perhaps a more journalistically-appropriate solution would be for readers to skip the stories that aren’t to their liking…
Any chance you guys could stop posting anything like this? They are repulsive.
Brian_E is right.
Rocky, perhaps the goal we should strive for is to stop those who make these atrocities from making them in the first place.
And as much as we’d like to, we don’t make the news, we simply report on it. And who are we to say what some might find newsworthy, or not? Of course, I have my own opinion about such “vehicles/customizations”… but that’s a whole different story…
Ok, how about a special 813 section of the site……just for crazy stuff like this.
Boy, talk about no taste!
I like a good laugh, and this thread has delivered. To suggest that there’s another GM site out there that’s somehow more professional is outright h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s.
@Alex Luft, you need not show every flavor they choose to build!
“Newly received or noteworthy information, esp. about recent or important events.”
“Dog bites man is not news; man bites dog is.”
Just say’in!
@Fastyle Personally, I don’t see a reason that we should “not show every flavor they choose to build”?
It seems that your dislike for this seriously-bonked Camaro is fueling this conversation, even though the vehicles are (unfortunately) a huge part of automotive culture. So while it (or dog bites man) may not be news to you, it may be news to someone else. Don’t get me wrong, I dislike these kinds of “customizations” as much as the next guy (and probably as much as you yourself)… but that shouldn’t play a role in our coverage of the subject.
@Joe I was suggesting that the other site who sources allot of its stories from other sites such as this one would likely skip over this one!
Probably, but only because it wasn’t first posted at one of the two or three places they do their copying and pasting from. 🙂
Actually, what i wouldn’t mind seeing is someone (Manoli maybe?) get their hands on one of these and take it for a drive and report their driving impressions.
The article could include how much the 1/4mile time suffers, or if the magnetic ride control (if equipped) still makes a noticable improvement in controlling what would obviously be some severe body roll. It could even state what a challenge it is to drift, etc.
That could be educational and entertaining while also discouraging a few people from attempting such idiocy.
@ Alex Luft I wouldn’t say they are a “huge” part of automotive culture and hope this type of care never becomes so. These cars looking like a circus act and would be better suited for a website like destinationthemepark.
Where are all the stories of lifted trucks with huge tires or low riders and real chrome? if you want to talk culture!
the owner must have been ignored as a kid.
I think its awesome, I’d be proud to be rolling down the street in that. Also yes I am a dude. Also no I am not gay. Also no I am not black. I swear you lot all have bad taste, this is one sweet as ride. Pimpin!!!
I’d love to take a huge fat steaming dump on the bonnet then rub it all over the car. Then all over myself mmmmmm poopy, good times.