If you rip up the carpet behind the passenger seat in a 1996 Chevrolet Corvette, you may stumble upon a set of all-American symbols that could make you “explode into a cloud of bald eagles.” And no, were’ not talking about the creepy symbols on the U.S. Dollar. We’re talking about baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet.
These little Easter Eggs are said to be on every ’90-’96 Corvette, and of course, need some effort to discover. We wonder what other awesome unknowns done by GM’ stamp shop lay in wait for us to find.
Are you trying to make me buy an old C4, or a Haynes manual, just to check this one out?
Too cool.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this. On Top Gear UK they visited a TVR assembly plant and if you removed some of the carpet, you would find some funny drawings!
I wonder how many people are now going to take apart their Vettes to figure this out? I will have to call my friend and she if she will let me take hers apart to see this! You gotta wonder what other kinds of little treasures are out there. Next time I take a car apart, I will keep an eye out for this kind of stuff! =D
Corvettes are for men!! Tell your gf to sell her C4 immediately or else I’ll place a voodoo curse on her butch a$$.
I’ll remember that the next time I pass your sorry ass on the road. ;^)
wow i mean WOW.
err really with whats happening in the REAL world ( ie not in US of ruddy A ), what a complete YAWN
So some engineers who could not be bothered doing proper werk put some graffitti on the stampings – geee whizzz.
Q – which is worse ? – the initial triviallity or telling us 20 years later ??????????
Back to counting Ford name stamps on Mercury or Oldsmobile or Saturn or Hummmmmmerss snore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
That’s not the typical location. Some of them have it on the rear vertical wall. I have been over every inch of 84′-96′. I know where how they hide the lo-jack battery. The Build sheet. And how to defeat the VAT’s system.