Former quadriplegic Patrick Rummerfield completed a life-long dream when he assisted in building a Chevy Corvette on the assembly line in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Wednesday. Mr. Rummerfield, a motivational speaker, was injured in an accident in the 1970s in a ‘Vette.
“In 1974 I was involved in a high speed car accident. We hit the ditch at 130 miles per hour and I broke my neck in four places which left me paralyzed from the neck down,” Rummerfield told Nashville’s News 2.
After the crash, doctors told Rummerfield that he didn’t have long to live. Fortunately, they were wrong. Then, after escaping death, they told him he would never be able to walk again; and they were wrong once more.
“I was lying there, daydreaming about racing a Corvette and playing basketball when my left toe moved,” he reminisced.
Rummerfield was a guest speaker at the plant and, upon being finished, was adamant about building his favorite car.
“His story is such that there was no room in his life for anything less than success” said plant manager Dave Tatman.
Since his accident in ’74, Rummerfield has become the first quadriplegic to complete an Iron Man competition and has set a U.S. land speed record. He is also known as the first spinal cord injury quadriplegic ever to recover full physical mobility.
The GM Authority Take
Inspiring doesn’t come close to describing this miraculous story. Just don’t speed on a public road… and don’t drink and drive.
Great story about a truly inspirational person!
From operating a wheelchair with his mouth, to moving his big toe after his horrific accident, Patrick went through 17 yrs. of intense physical therapy, to reach his childhood dream of becoming a Race Car Driver. Along with that accomplishment, he is a FIA World Land Speed Record-Holder, a Marathon Runner, an Iron Man Triathlete, an Olympic Torch-Bearer, along with many other goals he has achieved. Through his work in the International Center for Spinal Cord Injuries at Kennedy Krieger Institute he helps patients with paralysis about the benefits of aggressive rehab for recovery….Blessings to Patrick, always!
Dreams are the visions of the mind. Heart, Soul, and passion drives the mind long after someone is telling us those dreams are beyond reality. I’m sure Patrick had many falls along the way but if he didn’t have courage to keep getting back up…we wouldn’t be reading this story today. Courage, passion, and dreams are beautiful things but overcoming an injury to live a full life to give back to others is simply amazing and beyond words. The inspiration is in getting back up each time you fall or each time you don’t reach that goal or each time you suffer a set back or illness. Never Give up.
Courageous, dedicated, inspiring, are just a few words that could be used to describe this man.
I have known Pat for years, and remember the crash, as I am from the same home town as he, still amazes me that Pat can do the things he does. He is truely an inspiration to anyone with a spinal cord injury. Keep up the good work Pat, come visit sometime, would love to talk to you.
Pat is truly a real life hero!
You truly give me Hope, Patrick. I so look forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks! Nothing stops you!!!
WOW….What an honor and privilege…but most of all a Blessing to spend time working with the amazing, phenomenal, brilliant, magnificent General Motors Corvette Assembly Plant WINING TEAM in Bowling Green, KY. Being welcomed to work alongside elbow to elbow with the astonishing, fantastic, talented brotherhood and sisterhood of the United Auto Workers. This was like being in Santa’s work shop, where dreams are made every day. Home of the #1 US built Dream Machine….. the Corvette.
Dream do come true if we work smart, hard and long enough. Thank You GM/UAW for a heartfelt incredible experience. You are # 1 in my book “Green Bananas”!!!! Don’t believe me…..check out page 261.
On my list of world records and firsts, # 38 assisting in the assembling of the world class sports car….the GM Corvette.
Thanks General Motors Corvette Assembly Pant/United Auto Workers.
International Center for Spinal Cord Injury
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Pat is a huge inspiration for me, he is living proof that a man can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. May God keep blessing him!!!
I had the good fortune to hear Patrick’s motivational talk a few years ago. You talking about powerful, we were all jumping up and screaming by the end of it. When he talks about Corvettes you can hear the passion in his voice and see it in his animation jesters. I just finished reading his book “Green Bananas” you got to read page 261. GM should grab this guy up as a spokesperson, with his past history of achieving mind blowing goals, goals that most of us able body could not do, Patrick could move a lot of cars and at the same time help raise funds for charity!!!!