In a recent viral email floating around, it tells us that President Obama (if this gives you an immediate clue as to what’s about to follow) wants us to pay 3 times as much for a car that costs more than 7 times as much to run and 3 times as long to drive across the country. As it turns out, Snopes, an urban legend debunking site got a hold of the email, and decided to do some logical, rational math. Such qualities are fading in the world, but thankfully Snopes is here to help.
The website points out that the email bases its story off of a questionable review of the Chevy Volt by Fox News’ Eric Bolling. Bolling claimed that the car took 12 hours to charge, and around 25 miles before the battery’s energy was depleted. For some reason or another, Bolling and friends thought the car was useless afterwards. As any sane person knows, the Volt has a gasoline engine to keep the battery at a certain level of power to propel the wheels, and can be filled up with gasoline just like any conventional car. And charging times can be slashed down to just 4 hours with a charging station.
Now, whoever wrote the email also sucked at math (and grammar). Assuming the range of the Volt is 270 miles like the email did (it’s not), and driving at a rate of speed of 60 mph, it would take 4.5 hours to reach that distance. The email then goes on to tack on another 10 hours of charging time, making the total trip time to 14.5 hours. As we smack our heads in disbelief, it’s important to point out that you don’t ever need to charge a Volt if you chose not to. Ever.
Snopes also breaks down the operating costs per mile, putting the Volt’s charging rate at $1.70 a night (which is actually a high number), working out to a mere $.07 a mile while in electric mode. And with the Volt’s 35 mpg average and assuming gasoline is $3.56 per gallon, driving it with the engine running would be $.11 a mile. We’re pretty sure that beat’s the operating costs of a V8 pickup truck.
What is happening here is reckless ignorance and unwarranted defamation of the Chevy Volt, all of which is done by bigots of a certain political party. Readers of GM Authority, we urge you to properly inform your respective circles that the Chevy Volt is just fine.
Arent you guys overreacting a bit, its a funny email and has too many inconsistincies to actually be believed, and if someone did believe it, then im pretty sure they wouldnt buy a volt anyway.
Dont worry everyone, with whats happening to volt, im having flashbacks to my time with my 1st gen prius, we all know how the prius turned out. Well have the last laugh.
Oh and it shames me to call myself a Conservative with how much the Right is politicizing the volt. Believe me, all republicans arent like this, just the ones in the media like gingrich are.
No…I don’t think Manoli is over-reacting. You are clearly overestimating the intelligence of the American public. These are the same people who continue to believe that Barrack Obama is a Muslim and a foreigner. Even though he is clearly a Christian and his birth certificate clearly states he was born in Hawaii. Oddly…not a single word was said by the “right” when it was revealed that John McCain was born in Panama, an outright foreign country. But of course he was born in the Canal Zone which was US Territory up until its return to the Panamanian people in 1999. That was good enough for well-thinking Americans and they let it go. But no…Hawaii is foreign soil and Christianity is another name for Islam…
1. There would be nothing wrong if Obama was Muslim, after all wasnt our country founded on the belief of Religious equality and freedom.
2. It is absolutely disgusting how some people keep attacking our President once the issue of his faith and birth were clearly stated and explained and hypocritically ignored the issue when a member of their own party was involved. By the way the people who say these things are just a minority and believe me when I say that all republicans so not believe this crap, its just those that do are highlighted in the media (trump, gingrich) so people often believe a majority believes that way.
3. I dont see how the issue you are stating is related to what im saying.Other than to say that there will always be haters. And if everone was truly like that, than Obama would never have won anyway.
@ 3. My point, Good Barbersher, is that the little untruths that are gently spoken on television are taken as gospel when it hits the streets of America. The typical American still believes that what is aired on television MUST have some truth to it because (after all) it would be unethical to do otherwise. Just like they still believe that America is ALWAYS right and justified in every action taken. This, of course, is simply not realistic nor is it true. And that goes for both scenarios. Notice, that in my above comment I have not spoken ill of Republicans. I know fully well that there are Republicans who have brilliant ideas and who are level thinkers. But you, sir, are incorrect if you believe that it is the minority of Republicans who are believing the trash that is spoken. I admit that you are different from your colleagues and obviously a level thinker, so we have no quarrel, believe me.
Good point, its just that iving in SoCal I havnt met many hard core “right” fanatics, but thats probably different for the rest of the country.
BTW, its Babersher not Barbersher, its a common mistake but it annoys me for some reason 🙂
This seems like a petty attack on some email chain….
A couple of points:
Why the hell is GM responding now? Took you guys long enough…
Why would anyone buy the volt, if you expect the consumer to run it on gasoline, it costs more and I hope to save on gas but instead you advice folks to fill it up
Finally, who was the genius who decided fox opinion heads should test drive an electric car?
DUH….Why would you compare a Volt with a V8 Pickup?
Who would want to be in a head on collision between a Volt and a Chevy V8 Pickup?
Also….Who would be stupid enough to pay the premium for a Volt?
I would buy a CTS-V or a Yukon Denali any day. BOTH are great vehicles.
i say focus on the USA becoming totally energy independent. we certainly have the resources.
It’s an obvious troll message, but let’s face it, the volt has got a lot of people very nervous, thus the reason for the slander coming at it from every dark corner. More importantly, the volt has kicked off a new tech race that has every car making rolling out an electric drive car as fast as they can. With the return of Bush era gas prices, the pressure to drive electric will become intense , the volt is now the front runner in a new world of options, awesome job GM!
I have posted my comments to the chain letter at
The version I recieved also claimed that electricity cost was $1.16/kwh and cost to charge for the 20 miles he claimed was all he got would be over $80.
The national average is actually around 15 cents/kwh.
These things do need to be responded to as there are many too quick to believe because it fits their agenda.
Chevrolet had a few people test the Volt for a few months before selling to the general public and I remember well the one young man from Illinois who only purchased about $25 worth of gas in his time period which I recall was about three months? That was only because he made a long trip to Wisconsin during the holidays to visit family. This was in Newsweek and confirms to me that it is a great car for the average person. The one party you speak of has shamed itself so bad (and I vote for them!) the last few years they should be embarassed. They just do not like working people.
Wow, “bigots of a certain political party” sure tells me a lot about the political slant of GM. Just because we taxpayers bailed your union a$$’s out, doesn’t mean we have to buy your cars. Way to go, GM. Your own bigotry just alienated a lot of potential buyers. Probably a few that you consider in the 1% too.
You should have a gander at the very top of this page. See how it says “Independent GM Enthusiast Website”? As in not related, affiliated, or condoned by GM?
“Just because we taxpayers bailed your union a$$’s out, doesn’t mean we have to buy your cars.”
Do you actually have a driver’s license? If so, you should take some time out of your day to educate yourself about the latest developments in the auto industry. Upon doing so, you will realize that GM vehicles are — in most cases — the best in their respective classes.
Very snarky little article. I’ve had enough of crony capitalism throwing my tax money down the Volt’s black hole. If discussions about the Volt are politicized, its original source is President Obama’s unilateral decision to buy GM in my behalf. Let the free market decide whether it makes economic and practical sense to purchase and (attempt) to drive the Volt.
Barrack Obama was asked by GW Bush to continue HIS plan to bail out the automotive companies. Obama agreed (rightly so) and now he continues to take the heat for it. That’s okay because thousands of Americans have jobs today thanks to that brilliant move. I thank GW Bush for having that bit of foresight and I thank Obama for recognising it for what it was.
You can buy any number of vehicles that get 30 mpg. for over $20,000 LESS in sticker price. At $4.00 per gallon, that is 150,000 miles you will get from the initial savings. Who would really think they would want one. The Volt is being sold to Government Agencies, one as a way to get rid of them, two, the only organizations that do not do the math, other people’s money is always easier to spend.
Can any of those used vehicles drive 25-50 miles on pure electricity? No? Thought so.
Maybe when those who “push” these cars start actually practicing what they preach and stop driving around in the 22 caravan of suv’s and jetting all over the world, maybe actually live in less than a 9000 sq ft house, then maybe the young family of 3 who do not have the dispendable funds to fork over for these cars and can actually pack all the kids sports gear & friends, or suitcases to drive to vacations they cannot afford to jet to, will actually think this is a wise investment.
Interesting that GM would rail about Bollings “insane” comments on the Volt Toaster, where every vehicle sold is subsidized by the American Taxpayer. But then it also is abundantly clear that the lunatics are running the GM asylum and they didn’t even take the time to view or listen to what Bolling had said. The only thing questionable are GM’s comments. GM needs to be honest with the American taxpayer and quit bashing the only remaining car maker, FORD. When you pay back the American taxpayer for all your loans and subsidies, including those you that you spun off as old GM, then go ahead and tell America how good you are. Until then, we can all understand why your biggest market is China and that you are just subsisting on the taxpayers money. China owns you.
Perhaps a quick gander at the very top of the page would reveal that GM Authority is not GM, or sponsored, affiliated, or condoned by GM.
But even you did take the time to understand this, who knows if you would actually take the time to understand GM’s financial structure and position… because by stating the below, you simply demonstrate how much you DON’T understand:
“When you pay back the American taxpayer for all your loans and subsidies, including those you that you spun off as old GM, then go ahead and tell America how good you are. Until then, we can all understand why your biggest market is China and that you are just subsisting on the taxpayers money. China owns you.”
This takes the most idiotic comment of the year… not to worry though, 2012 just started!
Most of the driving done in Ameica is commuting. If you live more than 20 miles from where you work whose fault is that? When you are squeezing the handle on the gas nozzle think about all the money that is leaving the country, and going to places like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They have the oil reserves; we have natural gas and coal. We have a tremendous reserve of electrical power during off peak hours; so much so that the power company will sell it to you for half price. I have a Volt. It has remarkable cornering and handles well in snow and on ice and I have only had to put gas in it once in six months; 3.3 gallons. I really hate to go to the gas station. In really cold weather the gas engine will run for a minute every five minutes or so to maintain the cabin temperature. We come home, plug it in and it waits ’till the electricity goes on sale and fills itself up. My biggest fear is ever having to go back to a conventional automobile. The most amazing stories about the short comings of the Volt come from people who just have no idea what is like to own one. Even George Bush realized; “The trouble with Americans is: we’re addicted to oil.”
Toby; this is an independent website for fans of GM, the volt has the option of running the gas engine to charge the battery after the electric (overnight charge runs out), the gas engine does not drive the wheels an electric engine does, you may want to check your facts before you post pathetic Neanderthal posts…
Manoli/Alex- I think it’s time to remind people again or provide a link with every volt article on how the vehicle operates, so we don’t have posers like tobey confused about the volts capabilities.
Duly noted 🙂
If the Volt is such a great vehicle, why are the rebates jumped up from 75 hundred to 10 grand?
Because it’s an expensive piece of high technology. Remember the little car called the Toyota Prius? It cost $10,000 more 10 years ago than it does now.