MTV’s Rob Dyrdek Kick-Flips The Chevy Sonic Into Viral Video Awesomeness (Video)
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MTV reality television host Rob Dyrdek may not come off as the most intellectual person out there, but one doesn’t need to be to do stunts. Just huge, brass… um, nerves. Huge nerves.
Dyrdek successfully launched a modified Chevy Sonic from one ramp, barrel-rolling in mid-air, and then landing several yards ahead of where he launched onto another ramp. It looked like it wasn’t going to end well for a second, but it just so happens that Dyrdek and company only needed one take to pull off this awesome stunt. And because Dyrdek was actually in the car, his trick rules out the previous Chevy Sonic videos where it went skydiving and bungee jumping.
Fantastic! I agree this almost makes up for the completely pointless Sonic bungee jump spot.
This seems precisely in the wheelhouse of the Sonic demographic. Skaters and extreme sportsters do buy cars. I’d be interested to read how effective such spots are in showroom draw. If the video goes viral, I’d guess it’d help move Sonics and that’s a very good thing for GM and the American workers now screwing them together.
Sonic is a compelling package as a first car, or just a commuter. Haven’t seen how it stacks up against the Honda Fit or other competitors – but initial reports like it’s quality and many like it’s looks. I’m very happy it’s made in USA ( or at least put together here ).