The first-ever Cadillac CUE infotainment system looks to completely run through the competition with a plethora of intuitive features, which we list here. Below is a video (see if you can catch the green screen glitch) demonstrating the many things you can do with the new system. Presumably, we’re looking at a CGI interior of the Cadillac XTS.
Cool new infotainment system with iPad-like in-dash screen graphical user interface. The pinch function to increase or decrease the size of the nav map will be very useful.
From all the reviews of Apple’s new iOS 5 software (see the NY Times & WSJ today), it looks like the bar on voice recognition is raised pretty high with the new Siri voice interface on the iPhone 4S.
I wonder how advanced the voice recognition system will be for CUE. Then again, you may be able to utilize Apple’s Siri over the Bluetooth system in any car, which easily beats the on board system. Unfortunately, I don’t think that Siri extends to navigation. Hopefully CUE will be able to recognize native language for an address or point of interest.
The car used for the video demo looks smallish when compared to the size of the XTS. I guess it’s too much to hope that this is the ATS. It could all just be a mock-up for demo purposes.
This is what I don’t get……..People who are iPhone fans Praise this Siri but Andriod Always had Voice Recognition and not only does it works Very Well but it Extends to Navigation!!!!
Apple is rarely the first to adopt or introduce a technology. But when it does, it does it the best.
This is true of the entire iPhone (iOS) experience compared to others (Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry). And it’s also true for Siri.
Have you use the Android Voice commands?? If so, how is Siri better when you can’t use it for Navigation like you can with Android??
Yes, I’ve used both. Navigation is a one-time deal. You define where you want to go and that’s that. As such, it’s less important since — just like in all nav-equipped vehicles today — you need to stop and input the destination before you drive off.
Meanwhile, Siri is much more user-friendly, works 100% of the time, and doesn’t do stupid things like the VR on Android. It’s simply better and does more… more intuitively and naturally.
And when Apple does a built-in navigation feature (not just Maps), you can bet Siri will be applicable as well.
Have you used Siri for yourself?
No, I have seen it used and compared, but since this is Not about Apple or Android but the Kick Ass CUE……I will Move On…..I do agree with you about the Speed of Touch Screens in Previous Vehicles, but Looking at this Video and the one on that is actually being Demonstrated at the CTIA 2011 in San Diego going on right now…….I see No issue with the Speed and Responsiveness. I’m loving All the Features but Real Giddy about the Proximity Sensors when you move your hand close to the Screen, it Displays other useful Features……Now that’s Trick!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Yeah, them San Diegans are lucky. We’re hoping to get a crack at CUE in the next few weeks.
And you’re right — the aforementioned issues with other infotainment systems don’t seem to apply here. Good on Caddy for delivering here!
Yupp, we finally get multi touch for the car!
The interesting part about GM vehicles that we should remember is OnStar — which is the ultimate voice-enabled interface. Right?
PS: I think it is an ATS in the video. Too small to be an XTS for sure. I hope they didn’t spend the time and money to make a one-off cabin for advertising purposes.
I’ve gotta say this, I saw some people in motortrend said that it looks like Lincoln but the ones from Lincoln (especially the MKS) doesn’t look all that fancy compare to this.
Hey, the video was removed from Youtube!! DX
Well well well. Let’s see what the deal is. Hang tight 🙂
Fixed. Give her a go!
i think i like it better than myFord touch
Yeah, looks good to me so far. Still need to use it, though, to be sure.
The biggest issues with these types of interfaces is responsiveness and speed; if it’s too slow, it ruins the experience. I think that’s pretty much the case with MyFord Touch.
I saw a video in Consumer Reports and they did a report of such systems like the myFord Touch and compare to the iDrive and stuff to see how distracting it is and how many seconds to go from main page to another and then said both systems have too many pages or too slow to go to pages.
I agree with Alex – the biggest problem is the sensitivity and speed of the touch-screen responses. We are all spoiled by the slick touch interfaces on our Smartphones (iPhone, Android, etc.) We expect the same thing with these car interfaces and when they are unresponsive or slow to the touch or the swipe doesn’t work well, it becomes too distracting and profoundly annoying.
I tested a new Jaguar XL-L a few months ago and it uses a TFT screen for its dash gauges and employs a large touch-screen for the infotainment system. The GUI and touch responsiveness were subpar and required much too much effort to use. Sometimes it didn’t respond to the first touch while at other times the interface was very slow to respond. Very annoying and it’s hard to recommend a car – even one that beautiful and expensive – if these key driver interfaces don’t work well.
Due to the lead time in designing and manufacturing cars and components, it’s very hard to keep pace with the rapidly changing world of personal electronics.
This is what I’m talking about, take the Lead and Stay on Top cause that what Luxury Brands Do and right now wen it comes to Tech….Cadillac is now Huge Leaps and Bounds from the Pack and getting Further Away from them just with this System!! Keep it Exclusive to Caddy unless they come out with something Better and 3 things I would Love to see (1)Make it Detachable(Portable) in a previous post I said give it 200gb of on-board storage so when reconnected the Pad could utilize it,but because you can get 1tb in 9,5mm form, they should go wit that and that would be Wickedly Ugly for the competition (2)Love the 8″ but when in Escalade form, make it a 10.1″ pad and (3)Make it so you can download Apps to both, have like an Caddy Apps Store in encourage Developers!! Sweet
You want the unit to be detachable? As in compete with Apple in the tablet space? Not sure how much value this would bring, as by the time Caddy has something like this to market, everyone already has iPads and the iPads that they have are leaps and bounds ahead of what a car can offer (given longer refresh cycles in the automotive industry vs. tech).
Everything else sounds good, though!
Just a Thought about the Detach-ability thing, and to compete but more like a Niche thing…..I got a Caddy Tablet…..even has the Emblem on back, especially if its a V series!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 But Glad we do Concur on the Rest!!
Sorry… should say “Not To Compete”!!!
Well, that kind of exclusivity would be interesting. It’s rather intriguing to think about Caddy as a technology company at that point — as you’re then carrying a Cadillac tablet.
A Cadillac tablet!
On second thought, that’s what the cloud is for. To keep data in sync between devices. I’d rather do that than carry something out of my car that’s kind of an integral feature. Imagine if you lose your Caddy tablet — what then? 🙂
Tru that, cause you Right, some one will Lose it and be A** Out, but Tech is a Beautiful Thang and this what it’s all about….Problem Solving!! 🙂 But I Really do still see your Point Big Time………But Would Love to see that anyway!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
You my Friend……On further Review…….the question can b said….what if I loose my iPad of Andriod Tablet……they ain’t Cheap either and you either Replace it or you Don’t… would be the same with the CPad, you Loose it, you either Replace it or you don’t, you still be Driving a Caddy, but without the Tunes or Visual, you still have Turn by Turn and other Features due to that Other Awesome Tech you have in your Ride……….On Star!! 😉
True. But in the case of the Caddy, you now have a huge hole in the middle of your center stack. That kind of ruins the experience just a tad, no? But then that “newfound space” can be used to store paraphernalia — so it’s a two-sided tradeoff 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)………I Like that Kind of Thinking Dude……..when in Peril……Be Creative!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Bet you Won’t Lose it Again!! 😉 😉
There’s some GM Authority inside baseball for ya there: for some reason, Manoli and I latched on to the “paraphernalia” as a word and didn’t let go. Check this out — pay particular attention at the 2:45 and the 4:20 marks.
I just seen it and that was Very Cool :), I should have done this earlier and Real Sorry about that but here’s the Video from cnet…..I think u will Enjoy this!! 😉
Why doesn’t Cadillac just unite with Apple and make a very fast, sleek, and easy to use interface?
Mostly because Apple isn’t interested in those kinds of partnerships. They rarely do licensing or cross-marketing/selling deals and instead prefer to sell their own products themselves. Today, that’s what makes Apple… Apple. Would be nice to see an iPad of sorts build right into the dash though, wouldn’t it?
or to see apple doing partnership with automakers.