Advert: Chevy Malibu – Her Morning Elegance By Oren Lavie
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This Chevy Malibu commercial is one of my personal favorites. The stirring elegance of the ad is impressive, and so are the most intricate details (such as the star of the advert putting her purse in the driver’s seat at 0:40).
The message? It may not come through at first glance (view), but the minute-long video takes the young girl through various lifecycle stages, from infant-hood to teenage-dom, and from the high school prom and college graduation to her all-new Malibu.
To top it all off, the entire ad takes place on a manufacturing line with assembly robots doing all of the work, painting the somewhat inhumane creations in a humanoid light. And as if all that wasn’t elegant enough, the entire video is to the tune of Oren Lavie’s Her Morning Elegance. Watch the ad after the break!